303 Wayman Street, Suite 300
Waltham, MA 02451
We are located along the Route 128 technology corridor in the Hobbs Brook Office Park.

Tel: 800-515-8498
US and Canada: (781) 577 2805
Fax: (781) 577 2792
Hours: (M-F 9am-5pm EST)
Monday - Friday 9am EST to 5pm EST
Tel: (800) 515 8498 (inside the US and Canada)
Email us (current clients only)
Whether you're looking for general information about background checks or for more concrete information on our background check services, we've got your answers here.
What records are included with my search?
Coverage varies by search. For a complete listing of available instant jurisdictions please refer to the posted Data Coverage. In addition, we offer direct court searches in every county in the US and the District of Colombia to ensure coverage of all publicly available criminal records.
How will I receive my background check report results?
Your results will be returned online and stored in a private Report Management Account. Simply click on the individual's name under 'Applicant'.
How long will I have access to my background check reports?
Your report history will be stored for the life of your account.
Is there a setup or monthly fee when I use your service?
No, all charges are per search. There will never be any hidden fees while using CriminalWatchDog.com's services.
Are CriminalWatchDog.com's results guaranteed?
CriminalWatchDog.com does offer a Money Back Guarantee for the accuracy of its data. A 100% refund will be issued if CriminalWatchDog.com is unable to generate a completed background check report* or if a criminal conviction should have been included in the search results and was not based on our posted data coverage. Coverage must be agreed upon before a report is ordered.
I believe the individual under investigation has a criminal record in a particular jurisdiction, though no records were found. Why?
Not all jurisdictions or counties provide instant access to criminal records, in which case a county search may be appropriate. Before a criminal report is ordered you must review the data coverage for the associated search.
A criminal conviction was returned though I do not believe it is the applicant I am investigating.
The criminal search query mainly relies on the name and date of birth to link any criminal convictions to the search criteria entered. An individual's alias may also return records. Our Advanced Background Check reports also use a social security number to search for an alias history which will help target your applicant's true information.
What do I do if my search yield's a criminal record on my applicant?
Check your state laws. Verify the returned record is associated with your applicant and have a consistent screening policy. Keep in mind in many cases you are not allowed to consider data older than 7 years while screening applicants.