Flexible Reporting Solutions for All Your Screening RequirementsCriminalWatchDog.com offers customized criminal background check services to meet various applicant screening needs. Trusted on all levels, by parents investigating prospective nannies to Fortune 500 companies alike, our accurate, comprehensive, and instant background checks provide valuable information for informed decision-making.Our instant criminal record investigations search through hundreds of millions of files from numerous official sources to evaluate a candidate's potential criminal history. This essential tool helps hire honest and qualified personnel, ensuring your team's safety and protecting your investments. With advanced technology, CriminalWatchDog.com allows you to enhance profitability while reducing risks associated with employee or tenant misconduct.All our background check services can be printed or downloaded as Adobe Acrobat files, with copies saved on our website for easy access throughout the lifetime of your account at no additional cost. Pricing is per applicant search, with no setup fees or monthly charges
Criminal Background Checks Instant Results | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Advanced Background Checks Instant Results | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Advanced Check PLUS Packages 1-4 Business Day | — | $0.00 |
SALES/VOLUME DISCOUNTSWe offer additional corporate services and discount pricing for large volume accounts. Inquire about our tailored corporate solutions below. We look forward to hearing from you.LEARN MORE