DATA COVERAGENational SecurityAlabama Medicaid - Suspended Providers
Description: Data contains 1,089 individuals and entities that have been excluded from participating in and/or providing services in the Medicaid program in Alabama. Data contains Name, Occupation, Suspension Date, and Suspension Agency. Date of Birth is not available for this source.
Update Frequency: QuarterlyAustralian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Sanctions List
Description: The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade maintains a list of individuals and entities that have been suspected or identified by the United Nations or Australia as terrorists. The moment an individual or entity is placed on this list, its assets must be frozen under Australian law. Asset holders are under an obligation to freeze the assets or economic resources of persons involved in terrorism as listed in the Consolidated List. Data is updated monthly
Update Frequency: MonthlyAustralian Reserve Bank Sanctions List
Description: List published by Australian Reserve Bank in an effort to freeze the assets of known terrorists. The list includes individuals listed in the UN Consolidated list, plus unique individuals designated by Australia's Minister for Foreign Affairs. List may include DOB.
Age of Records: 2002 Update Frequency: As ProvidedAustralia Sex Offender Records
Description: Data contains over 300 individuals convicted of a sexual offense, murder of a child, and other forms of child abuse in Australia. This list is compiled by M.A.K.O, a non-profit organization, and does not contain a complete list of Australian offenders. Search results may include Name, Age, Photo, Offense, Occupation, Sentence, and Last Known Location.
Update Frequency: MonthlyBank of England Sanctions List
Description: List published by The Bank of England, the central bank of the United Kingdom, containing the names of individuals against which financial sanctions have been imposed. Targets have been listed by the United Nations, European Union and United Kingdom under legislation relating to Al-Qaida & Taliban, Burma/Myanmar, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia & Serbia, Iraq, Liberia, Terrorism and Zimbabwe. List contains detailed information about each entity, may include Name, Address and DOB.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: As ProvidedConnecticut Department of Social Services - Admin Actions List
Description: Data contains a list of providers found to be in violation of their provider agreements who are suspended from Connecticut Medical Assistance Programs. Records date back to 2000. Data may contain Individual Name, Business Name, Specialty, Address, Effective Date of Action, Period of Action, and Description of Action. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: 2000 Update Frequency: MonthlyDEA Diversion Control Program - Cases Against Doctors
Description: Data contains a listing of investigations dating back to 2003 of physician registrants in which DEA was involved that resulted in the arrest and prosecution of the registrant. Search results may include Name, Age, Address, Arrest Date, Conviction Date, Judicial Status, Offense, DEA Registration Status, and Case Remarks.
Age of Records: 2003 Update Frequency: QuarterlyDirectorate of Defense Trade Controls - Debarred Parties List
Description: National Security Debarred List consists of persons (including entities and individuals) who have been convicted of violating or conspiracy to violate the Arms Export Control Act (AECA). These persons are prohibited from participating directly or indirectly in the export of defense articles (including technical data) and defense services. This list is a subset of persons who may be "debarred" or ineligible to participate in the export of defense articles and defense services. Name only search, no Age or DOB is provided.
Age of Records: July 1988-April 2004 Update Frequency: As ProvidedEuropean Union Terrorism Sanctions List
Description: List, maintained by the European Union, of known terrorists subject to financial sanctions. List may include DOB.
Age of Records: Varies Update Frequency: As ProvidedFDA Office of Regulatory Affairs - Debarment List
Description: FDA list of 190 persons from the Disqualified/Totally Restricted List and Office of Regulatory Affairs Debarment List. Individuals convicted of a felony under Federal law for conduct relating to development or approval of any drug product, or otherwise relating to any drug product under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act appear on the debarment list. Individuals appearing on the disqualified/totally restricted list are restricted from receiving investigational drugs, biologics, or devices if FDA determines that the investigator has repeatedly or deliberately failed to comply with regulatory requirements for studies or has submitted false information to the study's sponsor.
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlyFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation - Enforcement Decisions and OrdersDescription: The FDIC Enforcement Decisions and Orders contain the full text of the formal enforcement actions against financial institutions and individuals for violations of laws, rules, or regulations, unsafe or unsound banking practices, breaches of fiduciary duty, and violations of final orders, conditions imposed in writing or written agreements. This list contains over 1,800 offenders. Results may include Name, Issue Date, Termination Date, Banking Organization, Address, Enforcement Action Taken, and Document Numbers. Date of Birth is not available.Age of Records: 1984 Update Frequency: MonthlyFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) - Failed Bank List
Description: Data contains nearly 100 failed banks listed with the FDIC dating back to October 2000. Search results may include Bank Name, City, State, Certification Number, Closing Date, and Updated Date. Data is updated monthly
Description: The Federal Reserve Board takes formal enforcement actions against entities and individuals for violations of laws, rules, or regulations, unsafe or unsound practices, breaches of fiduciary duty, and violations of final orders. Formal enforcement actions include cease and desist orders, written agreements, removal and prohibition orders, and orders assessing civil money penalties. This list contains over 350 offenders. Search results may include Name, Banking Organization, Location, Effective Date, Termination Date, and Enforcement Action. Date of Birth is not provided by the Federal Reserve Board.
Age of Records: 1989 Update Frequency: MonthlyFinCEN - Enforcement Actions
Description: Data contains Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Enforcement Actions on individuals and entities who have violated the Bank Secrecy Act requirements of reporting or recordkeeping dating back to 1999. Search results may contain Name, Enforcement Action, Date, and Matter Number. Date of Birth is not available.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyFugitive List
Description: Data from compiled lists containing information on nearly 1,500 fugitives including the Names, Aliases, Year of Birth, Place of Birth and Possible Residence. Information is taken from the FBI Most Wanted, U.S. Marshals Most Wanted, Secret Service Most Wanted, FBI Seeking Information List, and the DEA Fugitives list.
Age of Records: Varies by contributing agency Update Frequency: QuarterlyHealth and Human Services Exclusion List
Description: Office of the Inspector General List of 34,855 individuals excluded from participation in Medicare, Medicaid, and other Federally-funded health care programs dating back to 1980. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Professional Classification, Professional Specialty, Exclusion Type, Exclusion Date and Reinstatement Date.
Age of Records: 1980 Update Frequency: MonthlyHealth Resources and Services Administration - Health Education Assistance Loan - Defaulted Borrowers
Description: The Health Education Assistance Loan program provided federal insurance for educational loans to health professions students. The Defaulted Borrowers list contains 1,161 individuals who have had one or more default claims paid by the Department of Health and Human Services, been excluded from the Medicare program as a result of his or her HEAL default, and have not had the Medicare exclusion stayed, or lifted, by the Office of Inspector General as a result of entering a settlement agreement. Results may include Name, City, State, Amount Due, Discipline, School Name, and Graduation Date. Date of Birth is not available.
Age of Records: 1978 Update Frequency: QuarterlyHM Treasury - Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions
Description: Maintained by the HM Treasury, this data contains a consolidated list of asset freeze targets designated by the United Nations, European Union and United Kingdom under legislation relating to current financial sanctions regimes.
Update Frequency: MonthlyHong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) - Enforcement Actions
Description: Data from the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission contains enforcement actions taken against individuals and entities in Hong Kong. These records represent nearly 2,000 individuals or entities that have been investigated by the SFC for situations involving crime and/or misconduct in the securities and futures industry dating back to 1997. These records contain Name, Date, and Enforcement Action. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyHUD - Limited Denials of Participation List
Description: Controlled by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Limited Denials of Participation List contains current individuals and entities that have been excluded from further participation in a HUD program area. These exclusions are issued to parties who fail to comply with HUD program standards. Search results may include Name, Address, Disqualification Details, Start Date, End Date, List Date, and Office. Date of Birth is not available.
Update Frequency: MonthlyIdaho Medicaid Provider - Exclusion List
Description: Data contains over 100 individuals and entities that have been excluded from participating in the Medicaid program in Idaho. Data contains current and previous exclusions dating back to the 1990's. Search results may include Name, Exclusion Date, Period of Exclusion, and Additional Information. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: 1990's Update Frequency: MonthlyIllinois Office of Inspector General - Sanctioned Providers
Description: Data contains over 1,000 individuals and entities that are currently sanctioned from participating in the Medicaid program of Illinois. Search results may include Name, Address, License Number, Affiliation, Action Date, and Action Type. Data is updated monthly.
Update Frequency: MonthlyImmigration and Customs Enforcement - Most Wanted
Description: List includes the current 10 Most Wanted Fugitives regulated by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. These individuals have committed serious crimes in the United States including trafficking, smuggling, murder, and more. Results may include Name, Photo, Aliases, Date of Birth, Height, Weight, Eye Color, Hair Color, Sex, Nationality, Place of Birth, Complexion, Identifying Marks, Occupation, Last Known Residence, Offense, Offense Details, and Warrant Information.
Age of Records: Current offenders Update Frequency: As ProvidedInterpol Most Wanted
Description: The persons concerned are wanted by national jurisdictions (or the International Criminal Tribunals, where appropriate) and Interpol's role is to assist the national police forces in identifying or locating those persons with a view to their arrest and extradition.
Age of Records: Varies by contributing agency Update Frequency: MonthlyKentucky Medicaid - Excluded Providers
Description: Data contains individuals and entities excluded from participation and/or providing services under the Medicaid program in Kentucky dating back to August 2005. Data may contain Name, Practice Name and Termination Date. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: August 2005 Update Frequency: MonthlyMenominee Indian Tribe Sex Offender Registry
Description: Data contains current sex offender registrants from the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin. Search results may include Name, Age, Address, Work Address, School Address, Offense, Scars Marks Tattoos, and Photo.
Age of Records: August 2005 Update Frequency: Bi-WeeklyMIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base
Description: Developed by the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT), the Terrorism Knowledge Base offers in-depth information on global terrorist incidents, terrorism-related court cases, and terrorist groups and leaders. Data also covers the history, affiliations, locations, and tactics of terrorist groups operating across the world, with over 35 years of terrorism incident data and hundreds of group and leader profiles and trials. Results may include Alias, Group, Role, Current Location, Education, Marital Status and Photo.
Age of Records: Unavailable Update Frequency: MonthlyMississippi Medicaid - Excluded Providers
Description: Data contains individuals and entities excluded from participation and/or providing services under the Medicaid program in Mississippi dating back to September 2000. Data may contain Name, Practice Name, Specialty, Address and Suspension/Sanction period. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: September 2000 Update Frequency: MonthlyMonetary Authority of Singapore - Enforcement Actions
Description: Data contains individuals and entities that have had enforcement actions taken against them by the Monetary Authority of Singapore dating back to 2005. Enforcement actions can be imposed on an individual or entity for several reasons including a breach of law or regulation or failure to take remedial action after concerns have been addressed by the MAS. Search results may contain Name, Enforcement Action Date, and Details regarding the action taken. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: 2005 Update Frequency: MonthlyNational Credit Union Administration - Administrative Orders
Description: List of individuals against whom formal enforcement orders have been issued by the NCUA pursuant to Section 206 of the Federal Credit Union Act. Results may include Name, Relations to Credit Union, Name of Credit Union and Docket Number.
Age of Records: Unknown Update Frequency: MonthlyNew Jersey Department of Treasury - Debarment List
Description: Data contains individuals and entities that have been suspended, disqualified, or otherwise debarred from providing goods or services to the state of New Jersey. The majority of these records involve debarment records from the medical profession but may also include construction and vendor professions. Search results may include Name, Address, Debarment Reason, Debarring Agency, Effective Date, and Expiration Date. Data is updated monthly.
Update Frequency: MonthlyNew York Office of the Medicaid Inspector General - Exclusion List
Description: Data contains a list of over 4,000 individuals and entities whose participation in the New York Medicaid program has been restricted, terminated or excluded under the provisions of 18 NYCRR 504.7(b) - (h), 515.3, or 515.7. Other healthcare providers may also be included on this list if they have failed to meet certain prescribed requirements and are therefore precluded from ordering or prescribed care, services or supplies, exclusive of in-patient hospital care. Search results may contain Name, Provider Type, Provider Number, License Number, County, Action Date, and Action Type. Birth Date is not available.
Update Frequency: MonthlyNew York Stock Exchange Regulation - Disciplinary Actions
Description: Data contains over 4,000 individuals and companies who have violated the NYSE rules and applicable federal laws or regulations of the New York Stock Exchange. Records date back to 1972. Data elements include Decision Number, Announcement Date, Name, Position, and Case Type. Date of Birth is not available for this source.
Age of Records: 1972 Update Frequency: MonthlyOffice of the Comptroller of Currency - Enforcement Actions List
Description: US Department of the Treasury list of individuals affiliated with financial institutions against which the OCC has brought enforcement actions due to violations of laws, rules or regulations, unsafe or unsound practices, violations of final orders, violations of conditions imposed in writing and individuals due to breach of fiduciary duty.
Age of Records: 1989 Update Frequency: MonthlyOffice of Foreign Assets Control - Specially Designated Nationals List
Description: The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) administers a series of laws that impose economic sanctions against hostile targets to further U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives. This listing contains the names and description information on those persons identified by the United States to pose a threat to the interests and security of the United States. This data file also includes narcotics traffickers, terrorists, and business and organizations supporting threatening activities.
Age of Records: Varies by contributing agency Update Frequency: As ProvidedOffice of Regulatory Affairs - Disqualified, Restricted and Assurances List for Clinical Investigators
Description: The following list contains over 100 clinical investigators who have been disqualified or "totally restricted." FDA may disqualify a clinical investigator if the clinical investigator has repeatedly or deliberately failed to comply with applicable regulatory requirements or the clinical investigator has repeatedly or deliberately submitted false information to the sponsor or, if applicable, to the FDA. A disqualified clinical investigator is not eligible to receive investigational drugs, biologics, or devices. Results may include Name, Address, Center, Type of Restriction, Action Date and Comments. Date of Birth is not available.
Age of Records: 1964 Update Frequency: As ProvidedOffice of Research Integrity - Public Health Service - Administrative Actions List
Description: Includes the names of 39 individuals that have had administrative actions imposed against them by the Office of Research Integrity. Results may include Name, Institution that led investigation, City, State, Effective Date, Expiration Date, Exclusion Dates, and Comments. Date of Birth is not available.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: As ProvidedOffice of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions - Canadian Sanctions List
Description: List of names, maintained by Canada's Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, of individuals sanctioned under new Canadian and United Nations anti-terrorism measures. List may include DOB.
Age of Records: Varies Update Frequency: As ProvidedOffice of Thrift Supervision (OTS) - Enforcement Actions List
Description: The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) is the primary regulator of all federally chartered and many state-chartered thrift institutions. The OTS enforcement actions list is a directory of actions levied against institution-affiliated parties, officers, directors and controlling shareholders of such entities and others.
Age of Records: 1989 Update Frequency: QuarterlyOhio Medicaid - Sanctioned Providers
Description: Data contains individuals and entities that have been excluded from participating in and/or providing services in the Medicaid program in Ohio dating back to March 2000. This list does NOT include voluntary resignations. Data may include Name, Provider Type, Address, Medicaid Provider Number, Date of Termination/Exclusion, Reason for Termination/Exclusion, and Reinstatement Date. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: March 2000 Update Frequency: MonthlyOhio Medicaid - Suspended Providers
Description: Data contains non‐institutional and non‐agency individuals and entities whose Medicaid provider agreements have been suspended due to indictment of the Medicaid provider, its owner or owners, officer, authorized agent, associate, manager , or employee for committing an offense that would be a felony or misdemeanor under the laws of Ohio and the act relates to or results from prescribing, furnishing or billing for medical care, services, or supplies under the Medicaid program; or participating in the performance of management of administrative services relating to prescribing, billing, or furnishing medical care, services, or supplies under the Medicaid program. Suspensions remain in force until the criminal proceedings are completed. Records date back to October 2007. Results may include Name, Company Name, Address, Provider Type, Indictment Date, Indictment Code and Final Disposition. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: October 2007 Update Frequency: MonthlyPalestinian Legislative Council List
Description: United States Department of the Treasury list of 158 Palestinian Legislative Council Members who were elected on the party slate of a foreign terrorist organization, are on the Specially Designated Terrorists or Specially Designated Global Terrorist Lists. These individuals are not included on the Designated Nationals or Blocked Persons Lists. Transactions involving these individuals must be rejected.
Age of Records: Unavailable Update Frequency: As providedPennsylvania Medicheck - Precluded Providers List
Description: Data contains nearly 2,000 providers, individuals, and other entities that are precluded from participation in the Medical Assistance (MA) Program dating back to 1979. Data may contain Provider Name, Business Name, License Number, Status, Begin Date, End Date, County, List Date and NPI number. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: 1979 Update Frequency: MonthlyPolitically Exposed Persons List
Description: The Central Intelligence Agency publishes names of persons who may have politically damaging information in the public view. The directory is intended to be used primarily as a reference aid and includes as many governments of the world as is considered practical, some of them not officially recognized by the United States. Regimes with which the United States has no diplomatic exchanges are indicated by the initials NDE. Politically Exposed Persons List data may include Position, Position Holder, and Country.
Age of Records: Unknown Update Frequency: Monthly South Carolina Medicaid - Excluded Providers
Description: Data contains individuals and entities that have been excluded from participation in South Carolina's Medicaid programs by the federal government and/or the State of South Carolina. Records date back to July 1986. Results may include Name, NPI, City, State, Zip, Profession and Date of Exclusion. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: 1986 Update Frequency: MonthlyTennessee Department of Health - Abuse Registry
Description: Data contains individual who are currently required to registry with the Tennessee Department of Health Abuse Registry. These individuals have been investigated and determined to have abused, neglected, or misappropriated personal property of a vulnerable person in the state of TN. Search results may include Name, Date of Birth, File Number, License Number, Registration Date, and Reporting Department. Data is updated monthly.
Update Frequency: MonthlyTexas Health and Human Services Commission Medicaid and Title XX Provider Exclusion List
Description: List includes 5,879 individuals affected by various legal authorities, including; convictions for program-related fraud and patient abuse, licensing board actions, U.S. Health & Human Services OIG (Medicare) exclusion actions, and "Permissive" exclusions as allowed by various legal authorities. Results may include Name, License Number, Start Date, Add Date, Reinstated Date, and Comments. Date of Birth is not available.
Age of Records: 1959 Update Frequency: QuarterlyTRICARE Sanctions List
Description: Data contains approximately 100 individuals who have been sanctioned from participating in TRICARE, a health care program for the military. Search results may contain Name, Address, Medical Center, Offense Description, Action Taken, Notice Date, and Term. Date of Birth is not available.
Update Frequency: MonthlyUnited Nations Consolidated Sanctions List
Description: List of individuals upon whom United Nations Sanctions have been imposed based on new anti-terrorism measures. List may include DOB.
Age of Records: 2002 Update Frequency: As ProvidedUS Department of Commerce - Denied Persons List
Description: Data from the U.S. Department of Commerce on persons whose export privileges are denied by federal written order.
Age of Records: 1981 Update Frequency: As ProvidedUS General Services Administration - Excluded Parties List
Description: List of 50,634 parties excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-procurement Programs. Identifies those parties excluded, throughout the U.S. Government, from receiving Federal contracts or certain subcontracts and from certain types of Federal financial and non-financial assistance and benefits. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, AKA's, Offense Code, Agency Contact and Term of Exclusion. Age of Records: Reciprocal listings date back to August 1995 and separate Procurement and Non-procurement listings date back prior to August 1995, but no oldest date is currently available.
Update Frequency: MonthlyWorld Bank Listing of Ineligible Individuals
Description: List of individuals who are ineligible to be awarded World Bank-financed contacts because of violation of the bank's fraud and corruption policies.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: Monthly Back to topAlabamaDepartment of Corrections
Description: Corrections records of statewide records of currently incarcerated inmates. Records on approximately 27,000 persons. Results may show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, release date, offense description, status, and current location.
Age of Records: Varies Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Alabama Sex Offender Registry contains information about individuals found to have committed a sex offense under Alabama Law. Data includes offender photos.
Age of Records: 1900 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description>: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from AL, which contained records.
Description: This database contains current and historical felony and misdemeanor records of individuals who are or have been under the jurisdiction of the Alaska Court system. Quarterly updates of the most current data available are provided.
Age of Records: 1987 Update Frequency: QuarterlySex Offender Records
Description: Alaska Sex Offender Registry records. Data includes name, address, photograph, place of employment, date of birth, crime for which convicted, date of conviction and place and court of conviction.
Age of Records: August 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from AK, which contained records.
Description: Statewide felony and misdemeanor dispositions from all counties except Pima and Maricopa. This source contains records on over 9,640,000 offenders. Results may show the File Date, Disposition Date, County, Case Number, Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Charge(s), Dispositions and Sentence.
Age of Records: 1987 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Statewide felony criminal convictions and guilty pleas on persons who have been sentenced to serve time at a state facility. Records on approximately 150,000 persons. Results may show the Date of Crime, County, Case Number, Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Height, Weight, FBI Number, Charge(s), and Sentence.
Age of Records: 1985 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Data is only provided for sex offenders released from jail/prison or sentenced to probation on or after June 1, 1996 with risk assessment scores of Level 2 (Intermediate) or Level 3 (High). Data includes over 1000 Sex Offender photographs.
Age of Records: June 1996 - See description for details Update Frequency: MonthlyMaricopa County - Justice Courts
Description: Maricopa County Justice Court Data containing over 202,000 misdemeanor records dating back to 1999 from the 23 Justice courts in the county. Data may contain offender name, DOB, offense, offense date, case number and disposition.
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlyMaricopa County - Superior Court
Description: Superior Court case index of felony records of over 154,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Case Number, File Date and Case Type.
Age of Records: June 2003 Update Frequency: MonthlyMohave County - Superior Court
Description: Superior Court records of felony offenses of 12,446 offenders in Mohave County dating back to 1995. Results may include party, DOB, gender, height, weight, eye color, hair color, case#, arrest date, charge, charge description and disposition.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyMohave County - Bullhead City Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records of nearly 60,000 offenders. Search results may include Name, DOB, Address, Sex, Weight, Height, Eye Color, Hair Color, Race, Case Number, Arrest Date, Offense, Statute Code, Disposition, Disposition Date, Sentence, and Sentence Date.
Age of Records: October 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyMohave County - Kingman Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of nearly 25,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Sex, Weight, Height, Eye Color, Hair Color, Origin, Case Number, Arrest Date, Offense, Offense Description, Disposition Code, Disposition Description, Disposition Date, Sentence, and Sentence Date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyPima Arizona Superior Court
Description: Superior Court indexes of felony case filings of 148,519 offenders. Records date back to 1983. Results may include name, case# and date filed.
Age of Records: 1983 Update Frequency: MonthlyPima County Supreme Court
Description: Pima County Supreme Court data contains conviction records. Data may include offense, disposition date, file date, and degree of offense.
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from AZ, which contained records.
Back to topArkansasAdministrative Office of Courts
Description: Court records of statewide felony and state-level misdemeanor dispositions. Records on approximately 600,000 persons. These records contain information submitted to the state by courts from each county and other criminal justice agencies. Results may show the disposition date, arrest date, county, case number, defendant name, DOB, race, sex, charge(s), dispositions and sentence.
Age of Records: 1987 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Statewide felony criminal convictions on persons who have been sentenced to serve time at a state facility. Records on approximately 20,000 persons. Results may show the Date of Crime, County, Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Height, Weight, Charge(s), and Sentence. We are in the process of enhancing many of our files with photos. The Arkansas Department of Corrections file now includes photos of the offenders. Photos are NOT available on all the offenders in this file; however we have collected all the photos available from this source at this time. We will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1940 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains information on individuals considered to be at the highest level of risk (Level 3 - High Risk and Level 4 Sexually Violent Predator) to the public. Data may contain name, DOB, address, offense, and level of risk. Photos included, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: August 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from AR, which contained records.
Back to topCalifornia*** The majority of records in the California data do not contain Date of Births or the description of the Offenses. If you do run the California instant search and receive a hit from the data, we strongly recommend verifying the record at the county level before making any hiring decisions because of these important data omissions. Please contact us with questions or concerns regarding this issue. *** Sex Offender Records
Description: Over 20,000 offenders. Photos included, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available. Data contains name, offense, photos, and Birth Dates. Counties in the data include: Alameda, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Los Angeles, Madera, Marin, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Orange, Placer, Plumas, Riverside, Sacramento, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolumne, Ventura, Yolo, Yuba.
Age of Records: Information is currently unavailable Update Frequency: MonthlyButte County - Superior Court
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor records of over 110,000 offenders. Results can include Name, Case Number, Case Type, Case Status, Offense, Offense Section Number, Degree of Offense, Plea, Plea Date, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Sentence Information. Results do not include DOB.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyContra Costa County Court
Description: Data contains Superior and Municipal records on convicted felony, misdemeanor and traffic offenses. Data may contain offender name and file date, but does NOT contain dates of birth.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: Monthly.Fresno County Court
Description: Data contains criminal records on over 200,000 individuals. Data can contain Defendant Name, Case Number, and File Date. This source does NOT contain dates of birth.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: Monthly.Los Angeles Co. Superior Court
Description: Los Angeles County Court data contains criminal records on over 970,000 individuals. Data can contain defendant name, DOB, case number, and hearing date.
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyMarin County Court
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor criminal case index for 205,769 offenders dating back to 1970's. Search results may include Name, Case Number, File Date, and Disposition Date. Date of Birth is not available from this source.
Age of Records: 1970's Update Frequency: MonthlyNevada County Court
Description: Nevada County court data contains information on 1,260 individuals scheduled to appear at a future date in a criminal proceeding. Search results may include Name, Case Number, Case Type, Concerning Party, Scheduled Hearing Date and Time.
Age of Records: Current offenders pending trial Update Frequency: MonthlyOrange County Court
Description: Orange County Court data contains criminal records on over 960,000 individuals. Data can contain case number, disposition date, and file date.
Age of Records: 1988 Update Frequency: MonthlyRiverside County - Superior Court (including Indio Division)
Description: Riverside County Superior Court filings on felony and misdemeanor charges. Records on approximately 950,000 persons. Search results may show the file date, case number, defendant name, DOB, and charges. Note: These are filings ONLY, not dispositions.
Age of Records: 1991 Update Frequency: QuarterlySacramento County Court
Description: Sacramento County Court data contains criminal records on over 62,000 individuals. Data can contain defendant name, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 2003 Update Frequency: MonthlySanta Barbara County Court
Description: Santa Barbara County Court data contains criminal records on over 575,000 individuals. Data can contain defendant name, case number, degree of offense, and case date.
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlySan Bernardino Co. Superior Court
Description: San Bernardino County Court data contains criminal records on over 1 million individuals. Data can contain defendant name, case number, statute, and file date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: QuarterlySanta Clara County Court
Description: Santa Clara County Court data contains criminal records on over 240,000 individuals. Data can contain defendant name, DOB, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlySanta Cruz County Court
Description: Santa Cruz County Court data contains criminal records on over 110,000 individuals. Data can contain defendant name, DOB, case number, charge, and file date.
Age of Records: 1994-2004 Update Frequency: Updates are no longer availableSan Diego County - Superior Court
Description: San Diego county data contains Superior Court Indexes for felony and misdemeanor filings. Search results may include Defendant Name, Case Number, File Date and Type of Offense, but does NOT contain DOB. Note: These are filings only, not dispositions.
Age of Records: 1974 Update Frequency: MonthlySan Mateo County - Superior Court
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor case index for over 182,947 offenders dating back to 1999. Search results may include Name, Case Type, Case Number, Organization, Jurisdiction, and File Date, Date of Birth not available for this source.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyShasta County - Superior Court
Description: Felony and misdemeanor criminal case index of over 350,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Case Number, and Filing Date. DOB is not included.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyStanislaus County
Description: Data contains Superior and Municipal Court Indexes of felony and misdemeanor filings on 1,028,213 offenders. Search results may include Party Name, Party Role, Case Number, File Date and Type of Offense, but does NOT contain DOB. Note: These are filings only, not dispositions.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: QuarterlyVentura County - Superior Court
Description: Ventura County Court data contains criminal records on over 900,000 individuals. Data can contain defendant name, degree of offense, statute, violation date, and case number.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from CA, which contained records.
Description: Records of 27,508 offenders currently incarcerated, involved in community corrections or paroled under the supervision of the Colorado Department of Corrections. Results may include DOC#, name, DOB, race, gender, hair color, eye color, height, weight, parole information, case #, offense, sentence information and photos.
Age of Records: Currently active offenders Update Frequency: QuarterlySex Offender Records
Description: Registry only contains information on certain high-risk registered sex offenders. High-risk offenders are categorized as Sexually Violent Predator (SVP), multiple offenses, and failed to register. Data may contain name, DOB, address, aliases, offense, category and other additional information. Photos included.
Age of Records: Information is currently unavailable Update Frequency: MonthlyDenver County Court Records
Description: Criminal Court and General Sessions Court records on 149,188 offenders. File contains misdemeanor records and felony records only through the preliminary hearing phase. Results may include name, DOB, physical description, offense, sentence and fine.
Age of Records: Criminal Court Records - October 1975; General Sessions Records - May 2001 Update Frequency: QuarterlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from CO, which contained records.
Back to topConnecticutAdministrative Office of Courts
Description: Court records of statewide felony and misdemeanor records on approximately 600,000 persons. Results may show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, offense date, offense description, arresting agency, disposition, disposition date, case number, court jurisdiction, and sentence.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: This database contains current and historical felony and misdemeanor information for inmates and arrests that are or have been under the supervision of the Connecticut Department of Corrections. Limited arrest information is provided.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Public Safety
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of over 236,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Sex, Address, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Weight, Offense, Description of Offense, Jail Sentence, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Fines.
Age of Records: 1984 Update Frequency: QuarterlySex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains records for offenders who have been convicted or found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect. Includes photos.
Age of Records: October 1988 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from CT, which contained records.
Description: Delaware Sex Offender Registry contains only offenders convicted for sex offenses specified under Delaware Law. . Data includes offender photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: June 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from DE, which contained records.
Back to topDistrict of Columbia (Washington DC)Department of Corrections
Description: Records of persons who have been convicted of felonies and/or gross misdemeanors and sentenced to serve time in the DC correctional facility. Includes records of persons who have been paroled or released. Records on approximately 23,000 persons. Records may include Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Charge, Sentence, Sentence Date, Case Number, and Release Date.
Age of Records: 1991 - 2002 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableSex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains data on more than 700 Class A registered sex offenders. Class A sex offenders have been convicted of, or found not guilty by reason of insanity of abusive, violent, and/or forcible sexual offenses. Includes more than 700 photos.
Age of Records: 1980 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from DC, which contained records.
Description: Statewide criminal convictions and guilty pleas (mainly felonies) on persons who have been sentenced to serve time or community service, or have received a suspended sentence or probation at a state facility. Records on approximately 1.3 million persons. These records include persons guilty of felonies and some state level misdemeanors. Results may show the Disposition Date, Arrest Date, County, Case Number, Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Charge(s), Dispositions, and Sentence. We are in the process of enhancing many of our files with photos. The Florida Department of Corrections file now includes 514,609 offender photos. Photos are NOT available on all the offenders in this file, however we have collected all the photos available from this source at this time. We will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1979 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: This database contains public record information on offenders classified as sexual predators and sexual offenders under Florida law because of a conviction for a sex-related crime and/or a specified crime against children. WARNINGS: 1) Positive identification cannot be made without a fingerprint comparison; and 2) This information is provided as a service for the public's benefit and may not be used in the perpetration of any criminal act or harassment against these individuals. Includes more than 32,000 photos.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyAlachua County
Description: Alachua County records of misdemeanor and felony dispositions. Records on approximately 362,995 persons. Results include name, address, birth date, race, sex, degree of offense, and case number.
Age of Records: 1991 Update Frequency: MonthlyBay County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records on over 260,000 offenders. Results may include name, address, birth date, race, sex, offense date, sentence date, and case number.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyBrevard Circuit and County Courts
Description: Felony and Misdemeanor convictions from Brevard Circuit and County courts.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyBroward Circuit and County Courts
Description: Circuit court felony and misdemeanor records for over 756,000 offenders. Results may include Name, YOB, Race, Sex, Offense, Statute Code, Arrest Date, Case Number, Case Type, Offense Date, Court Location, File Date, Case Status, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Sentence Information. Please note, felony and misdemeanor records file between from March 2007 - June 2007 are not available.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyCharlotte (Englewood area) Circuit and County Courts
Description: Circuit and County Court criminal convictions for felony, misdemeanor, and traffic offenses. Data may include case number, name, address, SSN, charges filed date, charge, disposition date, disposition verdict, and sentence.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyClay County Courts
Description: Clay County Courts records of felony / misdemeanor convictions. Data may include name, date of birth, race, sex, offense, offense date, arrest date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: QuarterlyDade (Miami area) County Courts
Description: Court records of felony convictions. Records on approximately 890,000 persons. Search results may show the File Date, Case Number, Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Charges Disposition, Disposition Date and Sentence.
Age of Records: 1980 Update Frequency: MonthlyDuvall County Courts
Description: Court records of misdemeanor and felony dispositions. Records on approximately 1,600,000 persons. Results may show name, DOB, race, sex, charges, arrest date, disposition, case no. and disposition date.
Age of Records: 1985 Update Frequency: MonthlyEscambia County Courts
Description: records of felony and misdemeanor convictions. Data may include Name, Date of Birth, Race, Sex, Offense, Offense Date, and Arrest Date.
Age of Records: 1990 - March 2005 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableHernando County Courts
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 57,000 individuals. Data can include name, DOB, address, offense, statute, case number, case date, fines, file date, status, attorneys, and judge.
Age of Records: 1989 Update Frequency: QuarterlyHighlands County Courts
Description: Data contains misdemeanor and felony information on over 30,000 individuals. Data can include name, DOB, address, case number, offense, offense date, statute, and file date.
Age of Records: 1991 Update Frequency: MonthlyHillsborough County Courts
Description: Court filings on felony and misdemeanor charges. Contains records on approximately 340,000 persons. Search may results show the File Date, Case Number, Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex and Charges. Note: These are filings ONLY, not dispositions.
Age of Records: 1987 - June 2006 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableIndian River County
Description: Indian River County Court felony and misdemeanor records on 76,584 offenders. Search results may include name, address, DOB, race, gender, offense, degree of offense, case number and disposition.
Age of Records: 1988 Update Frequency: MonthlyLee County Courts
Description: Courts records of felony and misdemeanor convictions. Data may include Name, Date of Birth, Race, Sex, Offense, Offense Date, and Arrest Date.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: Bi-MonthlyLeon County Courts
Description: Data contains felony, misdemeanor, and traffic cases dating back to 1990. Search results may include Name, DOB or YOB, Offense, Offense Date, Statute, Code, Case Number, Case Type, Case Status, Disposition Date, Sentence, and Personal Identification Number.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyMarion County - Circuit Court
Description: Circuit Court Case filings of 68,611 offenders. Primarily felonies with very few state level misdemeanors. Results may include name, DOB, case #, offense, degree of offense, file date, charge date and disposition.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyMartin County Court
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor records for over 157,025 offenders dating back to 1990. Search results may include Name, Date of Birth, Race, Sex, Hair Color, Eye Color, Case Number, File Date, Case Statute, Offense, Prosecutor Action, Disposition, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyMonroe County Courts
Description: Courts records of felony / misdemeanor convictions. Data may include name, date of birth, race, sex, offense, offense date, arrest date.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: QuarterlyOkaloosa County Courts
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of over 193,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Year of Birth, Case Number, Filing Date, Offense Section Number, Offense Description, Disposition Date, Case Status, and Disposition.
Age of Records: 1989 Update Frequency: MonthlyOrange County Courts
Description: Court records on felony and misdemeanor dispositions. Records on approximately 350, 000 persons. Search results may show the file date, sentence date, case number, defendant name, DOB, race, sex, charges and sentence.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyOsceola County Courts
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 575,000 individuals. Data can include name, DOB, offense, degree of offense, disposition, disposition date, sentence and file date.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyPalm Beach County Courts
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor records on approximately 696,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Offense, Degree of Offense, Arrest Date, Disposition, Case Number, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyPasco County Circuit Court
Description: Data contains felony, misdemeanor, and traffic records for 170,653 offenders from Pasco County Circuit Court dating back to 2003. Search results may include Name, DOB, Address, Case Number, File Date, Statute Code, Disposition, and Sentence.
Age of Records: 2003 Update Frequency: MonthlyPinellas County Courts
Description: Court records of felony dispositions. Records on approximately 975,000 persons. Results may show case number, defendant name, DOB, race, sex, charges, disposition, disposition date, and sentence.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: QuarterlyPutnam County Court
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor records for over 154,565 offenders dating back to 1989. Search results may include Name, Date of Birth, Address, File Date, Statute Code, Offense, Prosecution Decision Date, Disposition, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1989 Update Frequency: MonthlySarasota County Courts
Description: Misdemeanor and felony records on over 425,000 individuals. Data may contain name, date of birth, race, sex, offenses, disposition, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1974 Update Frequency: QuarterlySeminole County Courts
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records for over 150,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Alias, Sex, Date of Birth, Address, Offense Description, Degree of Offense, Offense Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Date, Case Number, Jurisdiction, County of Conviction, Received Date, Disposition, Disposition Date, Probation Length, Sentence, Fines, and Sentence Length
Age of Records: 1984 Update Frequency: MonthlySuwannee County Courts
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 6,700 individuals. Data can include Name, DOB, Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition Date, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1996 - January 2004 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from FL, which contained records.
Description: Data contains information on more than 470,000 individuals who have been convicted on felony charges in Georgia. Data may include Name, Date of Birth, Offense, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: Early 1970s Update Frequency: Semi-AnnuallyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Statewide felony criminal convictions and guilty pleas of individuals sentenced to serve time, community service, or have received a suspended sentence, parole, or probation at any state facility. Data represents over 1 million persons guilty of felonies and some state-level misdemeanors. Data can include offense, offense date, sentence, sentence date, probation, release date, as well as personal information including address, date of birth, height, weight, race, and sex. We are in the process of enhancing many of our files with photos. The Georgia Department of Corrections file now includes 300,000 offender photos. Photos are NOT available on all the offenders in this file, however we have collected all the photos available from this source at this time. We will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1979 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections - Supplemental
Description: As a supplemental to the Georgia Department of Corrections data, this file contains over 300,000 individuals currently under the supervision of the Georgia Department of Corrections. Search results may contain Name, DOB, Physical Description, Photo, ID Number, Offense, Most Recent Institution, Maximum Release Date, Actual Release Date, Current Status, Offense, Case Number, Offense Date, Conviction County, and Sentence Length.
Update Frequency: MonthlyGeorgia Parole Board
Description: Data consists of 19,519 individuals currently under the supervision of the Georgia Parole Board. Data does not include probationers or offenders that have completed their sentences. Search results may include name, age, address, height, weight, hair color, eye color, offense and parole dates. Age of offender ONLY, no DOB's.
Age of Records: Currently Active Offenders Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Georgia Sex Offender Registry records. Data includes offenders either released from prison or placed on probation, parole or supervised release. Includes offender photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyBibb County
Description: Felony records of over 1,000 offenders from the District Attorney of Bibb County. Results may include Name, Address, Alias, DOB, Race, Sex, Case Number, Offense, Arraignment Date, Motion Date, Plea Date, Trial Date, Disposition, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 2002 Update Frequency: MonthlyChatham County - Common Pleas
Description: Court of Common Pleas data consisting of 117,964 felony records. Results may include Case Number, Offense and File Date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: QuarterlyCobb County, Georgia
Description: Superior Court felony and misdemeanor records of 32,359 offenders dating back to 1999. Results may include case #, case type, offense, disposition date, file date and sentence date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyDeKalb County
Description: Criminal records of 7,803 offenders. Results may include Name, Case Number, Offense, Level of Offense, Offense Date, Disposition, Disposition Date, Sentence Description, Sentence Length, Filing Date, and Case Status
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: QuarterlyRichmond County
Description: Superior Court felony and misdemeanor records of 76,621 offenders, Results may include case #, file date, status, offense, offense date, degree of offense, arrest date, disposition and disposition date.
Age of Records: 2001 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from GA, which contained records.
Description: Information on over 250 registered sex offenders. Results may include DOB, Physical Address, Offense, Crime Location and Photo.
Age of Records: Unavailable Update Frequency: Monthly Back to topHawaiiAdministrative Office of Courts
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor records for over 104,000 offenders. This file contains statewide Circuit Court and Family Court records. DOB is not available for this source.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Data consists of approximately 48,000 individuals that are, or have been under the Supervision of the Department of Corrections for felony offenses. Information may include Inmate's Name, SID number, the Facility they are housed in, their Charge and/or Conviction, Sentence, and the Projected Release Date. Date of birth is NOT available for this source.
Age of Records: 1990 - December 2005 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableSex Offender Registry
Description: Information about registered sex offenders living in Hawaii who have been given a court hearing to determine if that information of person shall be made public. Information about those persons, which is available to the public includes: name, photograph, street name of residence, and crime for which convicted. This file currently contains more than 1,300 offenders. Records do not contain date of birth.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from HI, which contained records.
Description: Statewide records of persons convicted of felonies and sentenced to serve time in a state facility, probation, or parole or suspended sentence. Records on approximately 60,000 persons. Results may show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, sentence date, offense description, case number, court jurisdiction, and sentence.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: Semi-annuallyDepartment of Corrections - Supplemental
Description: As a supplement to the Idaho Department of Corrections, this data contains information about offenders currently under Idaho Department of Correction jurisdiction, those incarcerated, on probation, or on parole. Results may include Name, Offender Number, DOB, Status, Supervising District, Offense, Sentencing County, Case Number, and Sentence End Date.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains information on over 3,000 individuals. Data may contain name, DOB, address, offense, conviction place, and conviction date.
Age of Records: July 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from ID, which contained records.
Description: Statewide felony convictions on persons found guilty and sentenced to serve time and/or subsequent probation in a state penal institution. Includes probation and parole information where applicable. Records on approximately 280,000 persons. Results may show Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Offense Date, Offense Description, Disposition, Disposition Date, Case Number, County of Disposition, and Sentence.
Age of Records: 1986 Update Frequency: QuarterlyDepartment of Corrections - Supplemental
Description: As a supplement to the Illinois Department of Corrections, this data contains criminal records of currently incarcerated offenders. Results may include Name, Offender Number, DOB, Inmate Status, Location, Sex, Race, Weight, Height, Eye Color, Hair Color, Scars, Tattoos, Offense, Sentencing County, Projected Parole Date, Sentence, and Photo.
Age of Records: Currently Incarcerated Offenders Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Illinois Sex Offender Registry contains information on over 20,000 individuals. Data may contain Name, DOB, Address, Offense, and Victim Age. Includes offender photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: Unknown Update Frequency: MonthlyAdams County
Description: Data contains county court records of over 15,000 offenders. Results may include Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: QuarterlyBond County
Description: Data contains county court records of over 3,000 offenders. Results may include Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense, and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyBoone County
Description: County court records of over 11,000 offenders. Results may include Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Bureau County
Description: Circuit Court felony and misdemeanor records of 7,000 offenders. Results may include Case Number, DOB and Offense.
Age of Records: 1988 Update Frequency: QuarterlyCarroll County Records
Description: Carroll County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 10,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyChampaign County
Description: Court of Common Pleas felony records of over 23,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Date of Birth, Case Number, Offense, Disposition Date, File Date, Arrest Date and Violation Date.
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlyClay County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of over 4,600 offenders. Results may include Case Number, Name, DOB, Address, Open Date, Close Date, Offense, Degree of Offense, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, Plea, Probation Length, Jail Time, and Court Costs. Some records also include Sex, Height, Weight, and Eye Color.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyClinton County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records for over 13,000 offenders. Results may include Case Number, Name, DOB, Sex, Alias, Address, Open Date, Close Date, Offense, Degree of Offense, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, Probation Length, Jail Time, and Court Costs.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyColes County Records
Description: Coles County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 31,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyCook Co. (metro Chicago) Court Records
Description: Cook County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information on nearly 453,000 individuals. Data may contain Name, DOB, Address, Offense, Degree of Offense, Fine, Arrest Date and Disposition Information.
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlyCrawford County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records for nearly 8,000 offenders. Results may include Case Number, Name, DOB, Sex, Address, Open Date, Close Date, Offense, Degree of Offense, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, Probation Length, Jail Time, and Court Costs.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyDu Page County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of nearly 2,500,000 offenders. Results may include, Case Number, Legal Status, Court Date, Court Locations, File Date, Amount Due, Agency and Complaint Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyEdwards County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of over 1,000 offenders. Results may include Case Number, Name, Address, DOB, Offense, Degree of Offense, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, Court Costs, Open Date and Closed Date. Some records may also include Sex, Height, Weight, and Eye Color.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyEffingham County Records
Description: Effingham County Records contain felony and misdemeanor information on over 9,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyFord County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of over 5,000 offenders. Results may include Case Number, Name, DOB, Address, Open Date, Close Date, Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Plea, Probation Length, and Court Costs. Some records may also include Sex, Height, Weight, and Eye Color.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyFranklin County
Description: Franklin County Records contain felony and misdemeanor information on over 9,500 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyHamilton County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of over 1,000 offenders. Results may include Case Number, Name, DOB, Sex, Address, Close Date, Open Date, Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Plea, and Court Costs.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyHenry County Records
Description: Henry County Records contain felony and misdemeanor information on over 27,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree, and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: QuarterlyIroquois County Records
Description: County court records of over 8,000 offenders. Results may include Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyJackson County Records
Description: Jackson County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 37,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyJefferson County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of over 16,000 offenders. Results may include Case Number, Name, DOB, Address, Sex, Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Plea and Court Costs.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyJo Daviess County Records
Description: Jo Daviess County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 13,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyLawrence County Records
Description: Data from Lawrence County consists of felony and misdemeanor records for over 5,500 offenders. Data consists of Name, DOB, Offense, Case Number, Disposition Date, Case Category, Plea, Last Updated Date, Case Sub Type, Disposition, Initial Open Date, Court, Degree of Offense, County, Sentence Date, and Sentence Description.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyLee County Records
Description: Lee County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 26,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyLogan County Records
Description: Logan County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information on nearly 14,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyMacon County Records
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of over 230,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Offense, Disposition, Closed Date, Case Status, and Sentence.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyMarion County Records
Description: Circuit Court records of felony and misdemeanor offenses of nearly 12,000 offenders. Results may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyMcLean County
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 551,000 offenders. Data may include Name, DOB, Offense, Degree of Offense, Case Number, Filing Date, Count, Plea, Disposition Description, Disposition Type, Sentence Description, Sentence Start Date, Sentence Status and Sentence.
Age of Records: 1950 Update Frequency: QuarterlyMercer County Records
Description: Mercer County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information of nearly 8,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyMontgomery County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of over 10,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Sex, Case Number, Open Date, Close Date, Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Plea and Fine Amounts.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyOgle County Records
Description: Ogle County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 22,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyPeoria County Records
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records on over 65,000 offenders. Results may include DOB, Name, Address, Offense, Case Number, Charge, Sentence Date and Arrest Date.
Age of Records: 1981 Update Frequency: MonthlyPike County Records
Description: Pike County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 9,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: QuarterlyRichland County Records
Description: Data from Richland County consists of felony and misdemeanor records of nearly 5,000 offenders. Data consists of Name, DOB, Offense, Case Number, Disposition Date, Plea, Last Updated Date, Case Sub Type, Disposition, Initial Open Date, Court, Degree of Offense, County, Sentence Date, and Sentence Description.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyRock Island County Records
Description: Rock Island County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 82,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlySangamon County Records
Description: Data consists of felony and misdemeanor records on more than 52,200 offenders. Results may include DOB, Gender, Offense, Offense Date, Case Number, File Date and Disposition.
Age of Records: 1974 - February 2006 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer Available Due To Court DecisionShelby County Records
Description: Shelby County Records contain felony and misdemeanor information on over 6,500 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyStephenson County Records
Description: Stephenson County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor records on more than 37,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyUnion County Records
Description: Union County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information on nearly 13,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyVermilion County Records
Description: Vermillion County Criminal Records contain felony and misdemeanor information on nearly 43,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyWabash County Records
Description: Data from Wabash County consists of felony and misdemeanor records of over 3,000 offenders. Data consists of Name, DOB, Offense, Case Number, Disposition Date, Case Category, Plea, Last Updated Date, Case Sub Type, Disposition, Initial Open Date, Court, Degree of Offense, County, Sentence Date, and Sentence Description.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyWashington County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of nearly 4,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Sex, Address, Case Number, Open Date, Close Date, Offense, Degree of Offense, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Court Costs.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyWayne County Records
Description: Data from Wayne County consists of felony and misdemeanor records of over 4,000 offenders. Data consists of Name, DOB, Offense, Case Number, Disposition Date, Case Category, Plea, Last Updated Date, Case Sub Type, Disposition, Degree of Offense, County, Sentence Date, and Sentence Description.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyWhite County Records
Description: Data from White County consists of felony and misdemeanor records for nearly 5,000 offenders. Data consists of Name, DOB, Offense, Case Number, Disposition Date, Case Category, Plea, Last Updated Date, Case Sub Type, Disposition, Initial Open Date, Court, Degree of Offense, Sentence Date and Sentence Description.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyWhiteside County Records
Description: Whiteside County Criminal Records contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 31,000 individuals. Data may include Offender Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Degree of Offense and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyWilliamson County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of nearly 18,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Sex, Address, Case Number, Open Date, Close Date, Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Plea, Probation Length, and Court Costs. Some records may include Height, Weight, and Eye Color.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from IL, which contained records.
Description: Statewide criminal records on persons who have been convicted of felonies and sentenced to serve jail time. These records include persons guilty of felonies and some state-level misdemeanors. Results may show the sentence date, county, case number, defendant name, DOB (month and year only), race, sex, charge(s), and sentence.
Age of Records: 1962 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Contains information on convicted sex and violent offenders submitted to the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute since July 1, 1994; released between April 1989 and July 1994 from the Indiana Department of Corrections; convicted of a qualifying offense between April 1989 and July 1994 as listed by the Indiana Prosecuting Attorney's Council; convicted of a qualifying offense between the year 1919 and July 1994 as listed in records maintained by the Indiana State Police. Photos are NOT available on all the offenders in this file, however we have collected all the photos available from this source at this time, which total 7,000. We now have photos in our sex offender files for 46 states and Washington, D.C. We will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: July 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyMonroe County
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor records of over 100,000 offenders dating back to 1990. Search results may include Name, Case Number, File Date, Offense, Statute Code, Degree of Offense, Charge Date, Case Type, Disposition, Disposition Date, Probation Department, and Probation Information. Date of Birth is not available for this source. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: July 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from IN, which contained records.
Description: Administrative records contain felony and misdemeanor records of individuals who are or have been under the jurisdiction of the Iowa Court System. Data may contain offender name, birth date, crime charged, statute, and disposition.
Age of Records: July 1999 - December 1999, and January 2004 - Present Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Felony and high-level misdemeanor records on persons sentenced to serve time in a state correctional institution. Contains records on approximately 39,000 persons. Records may show Name, DOB, Race, Sex, County, Charge, Level of Offense, File Date, and Sentence Date.
Age of Records: 1982 - May 2007 Update Frequency: Updates Are Currently UnavailableDepartment of Corrections Pardons and Paroles
Description: Probation records on all offenders currently on probation under the jurisdiction of the state probation office for offenses committed since 1975. Results may include Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Case Number, County/Jurisdiction, Charge, File Date and Sentence.
Age of Records: 1975 - February 2007 Update Frequency: Updates Are Currently UnavailableSex Offender Records
Description: Data contains individuals, with photos, who have been convicted or adjudicated of a criminal offense against a minor, sexual exploitation, or a sexually violent crime or who was on probation, parole, or work release status, or who was incarcerated. Registration does include individuals that have received a deferred sentence or deferred judgments and can include convictions from other jurisdictions such as other states and/or federal convictions.
Age of Records: July 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from IA, which contained records.
Back to topKansasDepartment of Corrections Records
Description: Records of persons convicted of felony and gross misdemeanor offenses and sentenced to serve time in a state correctional facility, or placed on probation and who have been released or paroled. Records on approximately 50,000 persons. Records may include name, DOB, race, sex, county of offense, case number, offense description, statute, disposition date, level of offense.
Age of Records: 1987 Update Frequency: MonthlyRegistered Sex Offender Records
Description: Data contains information and includes offender photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available. Note: This source was formerly named Kansas Sex Offender. The Kansas Bureau of Investigation has added offenders to this file whose offenses are NOT sex related. The majority of the offenses in this file are sex related offenses, please be aware that other types of offenses that require registration per the court are also included.
Age of Records: April 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyJohnson County Records
Description: Data consists of criminal, traffic, and juvenile records of over 316,000 offenders. Results may include Case Number, Name, Race, Sex, DOB, Judge, Statue, Sentence information.
Age of Records: 1941 Update Frequency: QuarterlySedgwick County Records
Description: Data contains criminal records on over 55,000 individuals. Data can contain Name, Degree of Offense, File Date, Disposition Date. This source does NOT contain dates of birth.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: Due to court review, these records are currently unavailable.Shawnee County
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor records of 2,110 offenders dating back to 1985. Results may include defendant name, case #, file date, charge, charge date, plea, plea date, sentence, sentence date and AKA.
Age of Records: 1985 Update Frequency: QuarterlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from KS, which contained records.
Description: Statewide criminal records on persons who have been convicted of felonies as defined by Kentucky state law and sentenced to serve jail time. Records on approximately 125,000 persons. Results may show the date of crime, county of crime, sentence date, case number, name, DOB, race, sex, charge(s), and sentence.
Age of Records: 1982 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Data provided by the Kentucky State Police Sex/Criminal Offender Registry. Contains over 4,000 registered sex offenders with photos.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from KY, which contained records.
Description: Parole Board records on 3,375 offenders dating back to November 2004. Results may include DOB, DOC#, offense, facility code, received date and docket #.
Age of Records: November 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains information about individuals convicted for the commission or attempted commission of a sex offense or a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor. Data can include name of the offender, address of offender, crime for which offender was convicted, date and place of conviction, and any aliases used by the offender. Includes offender photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: July 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyBossier Parish Courts
Description: Criminal records containing information on over 200,000 individuals. Data can include name, offense, file date, and case number.
Age of Records: 1984 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableCaddo Parish Courts
Description: Criminal records containing information on over 100,000 individuals. Data can include name, offense, file date, status, and case number.
Age of Records: 1984 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableOrleans Parish - District Court
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor records of over 137,000 individuals. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Arrest Date, Offense, Offense Description, and Bond Information.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: QuarterlySt. Tammany Parish Courts
Description: Felony, misdemeanor and traffic records on over 48,755 offenders since 1988. Results may include DOB, race, gender, case #, offense, charge date, charge type, file date and disposition.
Age of Records: 1988 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from LA, which contained records.
Description: Statewide felony and state-level misdemeanor convictions on persons who have been sentenced to serve time at a state facility. Records on approximately 17,000 persons. Results may show the Date of Crime, County, Case Number, Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Charge(s), Sentence and Release Date.
Age of Records: 1985 - May 2006 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableSex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains data on individuals that have been sentenced as a sex offender or a sexually violent predator. Registry does not include all individuals convicted of a sex crime. Data may include name, address, offense, date of sentence, date convicted, sentence, statute, and court. Includes offender photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: June 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from ME, which contained records.
Back to topMarylandAdministrative Office of Courts
Description: Court records of 516,566 offenders dating back to January 2006. Historical records prior to January 2006 are being acquired. The database will be updated as new data is received. Results may include Name, Case Number, Tracking Number, CJIS Code, Case Type, Case Status, Offense description, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 2006 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Data from the Maryland Department of Corrections containing information on approximately 40,000 individuals. Data can include name, date of birth, offense, and holding facility.
Age of Records: 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains information on over 4,500 individuals. Data can include name, offense, category, and absconder status. Includes offender photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: Information is currently unavailable Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from MD, which contained records.
Description: Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry of Level Three offenders. Level Three offenders have been determined to be at the highest risk for re-offense out of all of the three risk levels. Data can include name, offense, conviction date, and county. Birth dates are not included. Includes offender photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1986 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from MA, which contained records.
Back to topMichiganOffender Tracking Information System (OTIS)
Description: A supplement to the Michigan Department of Corrections, the Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) contains information about more than 300,000 prisoners, parolees and probationers. OTIS does NOT contain: information that is exempt under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act; information about anyone who has been arrested and convicted but not yet sentenced; information about prisoners in county jails or city lockups, or about offenders who were sentenced to jail only. Jails are operated by counties. State prisons are operated by the MDOC.
Age of Records: Offenses dating back to 1922 Update Frequency: QuarterlySex Offender Records
Description: Sex Offender Registry records. Data may contain individuals who have been convicted of a listed offense. Includes offender photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: October 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyWayne County Records
Description: File contains felony and limited misdemeanor cases that resulted in convictions on over 185,000 offenders. Data may contain offender name, date of birth, offense, probation, sentence, and offense location.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from MI, which contained records.
Back to topMinnesotaBureau of Criminal Apprehension
Description: Includes felony and misdemeanor records for 374,493 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Alias, Questioned Identity Flags, Alternate DOB's, Sex, Race, Offense, Sentence, County of Offense, Date of Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Court Fines, and Confinement Location
Age of Records: 15 Years from Discharge Date Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Public Safety
Description: Administrative records on statewide criminal convictions on persons who have been convicted of felonies and/or gross misdemeanors as defined by Minnesota state law and sentenced to serve jail time, or probation, or parole or suspended sentence. Records on approximately 306,000 persons. Results may show the Disposition Date, Arresting Agency, Case Number, Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Charge(s), Dispositions and Sentence.
Age of Records: 1982 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Data contains information on over 107,000 individuals. Data can include offender name, offense, statute, sentence, admission date, and release date. Includes offender photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1977 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Minnesota Sex Offender Registry of Level Three offenders. Level Three offenders have been determined to be at the highest risk for re-offense out of all of the three risk levels. Photos available.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from MN, which contained records.
Description: Sentencing records of felony convictions from all counties' Circuit Courts of persons sentenced to probation or time in a state institution; includes records on parolees. Records on about 160,000 persons. Search results may show Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Charge, County of Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Sentence, Probation or Parole Status and Related Dates.
Age of Records: 1976 Update Frequency: MonthlyMississippi Parole Board
Description: Records of 2,359 parolees currently under the supervision of the Mississippi Department of Corrections. Results may include name, address, AKA's and offense. File contains 1,810 offender photos, but not for all offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: Unavailable Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Data can contain offense, address, crime location, and photo, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyHinds Co. (metro Jackson) Court Records
Description: Hinds County data contains criminal records on over 19,000 individuals. Data can contain offense, case number, sentence, disposition, and arrest date.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyHinds County - Justice Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records for 152,847 offenders dating back to 1989. Search results may include Name, DOB, Address, Race, Sex, Arresting Agency, Case Number, Offense, Offense Date, Statute Code, Disposition, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1989 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from MS, which contained records.
Back to topMissouriAdministrative Office of Courts
Description: Data contains statewide felony and misdemeanor records from all 45 of the Judicial Circuit Courts of Missouri. Results may include DOB, Case Number, Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Statewide felonies on persons who have been sentenced to serve time in a state institution, or probation, community service or diversion. Records on approximately 270,000 persons. Results may show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, offense date, offense description, county of offense, disposition date, case number, and sentence.
Age of Records: 1980 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Registry
Description: This statewide file, maintained by the State Highway Police refers only to persons who have been convicted of, found guilty of, or plead guilty to committing or attempting to commit sexual offenses and may not reflect the entire criminal history of a particular individual. Offenders required to register for crimes of kidnapping, felonious restraint, or child abuse may not be listed. Data may include offender name, county, offense, and last known address. No birthdates are available.
Age of Records: 1979 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Publc Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from MO, which contained records.
Description: This database contains offenders who are incarcerated at Montana State Prison, Montana Women's Prison, a regional prison, or a county jail awaiting transfer to a prison. Inmates are either offenders who have been sentenced to serve their time in prison by the district court, parole violators whose parole has been revoked by the Board of Pardons and Parole, probation violators whose probation has been revoked by the district court, or Department of Corrections commitments where the department has determined that prison is appropriate placement for their sentence.
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains records of over 3,500 sexual and violent offenders. Data can contain offense, address, risk level, offender type, and photo, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available. Approximately 15% of the offender records include an age.
Age of Records: July 1989 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from MT, which contained records.
Description: Felony and high-level misdemeanor records on persons sentenced to serve time in a state correctional institution. Contains records on approximately 36,000 persons. Records may show name, DOB, race, sex, county, charge, and level of offense, sentence, and sentence date.
Age of Records: 1935 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains records of High Risk/Level 3 Sex Offenders. Data can contain offense, address, risk level, jurisdiction, conviction date, and photo, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from NE, which contained records.
Description: Contains information about currently incarcerated inmates, as well as those who have discharged their sentence(s) within the last 18 months. The data can include offense, date of birth, and sentence information.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Registry
Description: Data contains name, offense, photo if available, conviction date and conviction location. Records do not contain date of birth. This file currently contains 1,500 offenders and photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1982 Update Frequency: MonthlyMesquite Police Department Sex Offender Registry
Description: Data contains currently registered Tier 2 and 3 sex offenders from Mesquite, NV. Search results may include Name, Age, Height, Weight, Sex, Race, Scars, Tattoos, Address, Offense, Conviction Date, Release Date, and Offense Details.
Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from NV, which contained records.
Description: This repository contains current and historical data of individuals within the New Hampshire Division of Corrections and offenders supervised by the Division of Parole and Probation.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections - Supplemental
Description: Data contains 2,700 individuals who are currently incarcerated in the New Hampshire Department of Corrections. Search results may include Name, DOB, Inmate Number, Booking Date, Parole Date, Facility, Case Number, Docket Number, and Offense.
Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: New Hampshire Sex Offender Registry contains information on sexual offenders or offenders against children who have outstanding arrest warrants and have not registered. The Registry also contains information on registered offenders who have committed crimes against children. Results may include name, DOB, address, offense, offense date, court, photo, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1989 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from NH, which contained records.
Description: Superior Court records of statewide felony cases disposed. Results may include case number, name, DOB, charge(s), sentence date.
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Statewide felony convictions of persons incarcerated in all state facilities, including those who have been released or paroled. Results may show defendant name, DOB, sex, offense description, case number, county of offense, sentence date and release or parole date. We are in the process of enhancing many of our files with photos. The New Jersey Department of Corrections file now includes 72,614 offender photos. Photos are NOT available on all the offenders in this file, however we have collected all the photos available from this source at this time. We will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 2000 Update Frequency: Semi-Annually (July and December)Sex Offender Records
Description: The sex offender registry includes information pertaining to sex offenders determined to pose a relatively high risk of re-offense (tier 3 offenders) and, with certain exceptions, information about sex offenders found to pose a moderate risk of re-offense (tier 2 offenders). The registry excludes any information about offenders determined to present a low risk of re-offense (tier 1 offenders). Offenses include: aggravated sexual assault; sexual assault; aggravated criminal sexual contact; endangering the welfare of a child by engaging in sexual conduct which would impair or debauch the morals of the child; luring or enticing and, if the victim were a minor and the offender not a parent, kidnapping; criminal restraint and false imprisonment. Data includes over 1,700 photos.
Age of Records: 1986 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from NJ, which contained records.
Back to topNew MexicoAdministrative Office of Courts
Description: Data contains statewide felony and misdemeanor records from the District Courts and Magistrate Courts of New Mexico. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, File Date, Court, Offense, Statute Code, Degree of Offense, Plea, Disposition, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Information on over 16,000 offenders who are incarcerated or on probation and/or parole supervision. The type of information available is an offender's offense, disposition, sentence, and case number.
Age of Records: Offenses dating back to 1951. Update Frequency: QuarterlyDWI Offender Database
Description: Data contains statewide DWI convictions records for 57,333 offenders in New Mexico from 2001 to 2005. Search results may include Name, Year of Birth, Gender, City of Residence, Court, and Conviction Date.
Age of Records: Offenses dating from 2001 - 2005. Update Frequency: Semi-annuallySex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains information on individuals convicted of certain sex offenses. Also included are individuals convicted of a sex offense prior to that date and were incarcerated or on probation/parole as of that date. Data can include offender name, offender address, offense, conviction date, registration date and photo, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from NM, which contained records.
Description: Statewide felony convictions of persons incarcerated in one of 70 state facilities and who have been released since Jan. 1, 1990. Records on approximately 400,000 persons. Results may include Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Offense Description, Case Number, County of Offense, Sentence and Sentence Date.
Age of Records: 1990 - See Description for Details Update Frequency: QuarterlySex Offender Records
Description: The New York Sex Offender Registry contains information on sex offenders classified according to their risk of re-offending: low-risk (Level 1), moderate-risk (Level 2) and high-risk (Level 3). Data is collected from the registration agency, which may be a court, a State or local correctional facility or a probation or parole agency, or from the sex offender directly. Includes more than 3,500 photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyNew York Prison Release Records
Description: Data contains information for inmates incarcerated in a New York State Department of Correctional Services prison. Offenders sentenced to state prison since the early 1970's are listed in the database, except youthful offenders and those who have had their convictions set aside by a court. Data includes felony and misdemeanor offenses for nearly 500,000 offenders. Search results may include Name, DOB, Sex, Race, Custody Status, Housing Facility, Date Received, Admission Type, County of Commitment, Release Date, Offense, Degree of Offense, Sentence, and Probation Information.
Age of Records: Early 1970's Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from NY, which contained records.
Back to topNorth CarolinaAdministrative Office of Courts
Description: Court records of statewide felony, misdemeanor, traffic filings, and disposition records from all counties, district and superior courts. Contains records on more than 10 million individuals. Data can include offense, offense class, statute, and disposition, and disposition date, degree of offense, plea, and costs/fines. Date of birth is in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Age of Records: 1973 Update Frequency: DailyDepartment of Corrections
Description: This database contains statewide current and historical felony information along with parole information for individuals that are or have been under the supervision of the North Carolina Department of Corrections. There is also misdemeanor information when 90 day plus sentencing occurred.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Registry
Description: Registry contains information on nearly 9,000 individuals dating to 1996. Data may contain name, DOB, address, offense, statute, county, probation, confinement and registration date. Photos included, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from NC, which contained records.
Back to topNorth DakotaAdministrative Office of Courts
Description: Court records of statewide felony and misdemeanor dispositions from county district courts. Contains records on more than 137,000 persons. Results may show defendant name, DOB, file date, offense date, offense description, disposition, disposition date, case number, and county of disposition.
Age of Records: 1990 - Oct. 2002 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableSex Offender Records
Description: North Dakota Sex Offender Registry includes offenders identified as lifetime registrants or have been designated as high-risk offenders. Data includes name, DOB, address, offense, disposition, address verification data, expiration date, and photo date. Photos included, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: January 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from ND, which contained records.
Description: Statewide felony convictions of persons incarcerated in a state facility. Records on approximately 450,000 persons. Records updated monthly. Results may include defendant name, DOB, race, sex, offense description, case number, county of offense, sentence and sentence date. Photos are NOT available on all the offenders in this file, however we have collected all the photos available from this source at this time, which total 134,689. We will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections - Supplemental
Description: This source contains data on sex offenses and Ohio Department of Corrections. There are nearly 400,000 criminal records, which includes over 9,000 individual sex offenders. Results may include offense, sentence information, Institution, arrest Date, and next parole date. Also included are over 150,000 photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: UnavailableSex Offender Records
Description: Ohio Sex Offender Records. Data can contain offense, address, county, local school district, and photo.
Age of Records: Information is currently unavailable Update Frequency: MonthlyAdams County Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records of 9,472 offenders dating back to 1993. Search results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, File Date, Statute Code, Offense, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, Fine Amounts and Jail Term.
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: QuarterlyAdams County - Common Pleas
Description: Data contains felony records dating back to 1993. Search results may include Name, DOB, Sex, Race, Case Number, File Date, Offense, Degree of Offense, Status Code, Sentence, and Sentence Date.
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: QuarterlyAllen County - Common Pleas
Description: Court of Common Pleas felony records of approximately 3,500 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Case Status, Offense, Offense Date, Arrest Date, Disposition Status and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 2000 Update Frequency: MonthlyAllen County - Lima Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 22,000 offenders dating back to 1990. Result may include Name, DOB, Address, Case Type, Offense Section Number, Offense Description, Case Number, Degree of Offense, Arresting Agency, Offense Date, Filing Date, Fine, Plea, Probation Conditions, Sentence, Disposition Date, and Disposition. <
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyAshland County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of over 31,500 offenders from the Ashland County Court of Common Pleas. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Aliases, Offense, Case Number, and Disposition.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyAshtabula County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of 21,137 offenders from the Court of Common Pleas, Eastern and Western County Courts. Results may include DOB, case#, offense, degree of offense, disposition and disposition date.
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlyAthens County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of over 2,500 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, File Date, Charge, Action, and Transcript Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyAthens County - Municipal Court
Description: Consists of misdemeanor records of over 58,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Full Address, DOB, Arrest Date, Case Number, Date of Violation, Offense Literal, Imprisonment, Imprisoned Date and File Date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyAuglaize County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of 990 offenders. Results may include name, DOB, Case #, offense date, offense, degree, disposition and disposition date.
Age of Records: 2000 Update Frequency: MonthlyBrown County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of over 1,700 offenders. Results may include Name, Alias, Address, DOB, Offense, Degree of Offense, Offense Date, Case Number, Sentence, Probation Information, File Date, and Conviction Date
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyBrown County - Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 96,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Alias, Address, Offense, Degree of Offense, Description of Offense, Date of Offense, Case Number, File Date, Conviction Date, Sentence, and Probation Info.
Age of Records: 2000 Update Frequency: MonthlyButler County - Common Please
Description: Butler County data contains criminal records on over 20,000 individuals. Results may include offense, degree of offense, disposition information, case number, arrest date and file date.
Age of Records: 1971 Update Frequency: QuarterlyButler County - Fairfield Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records for over 77,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Case Number, Offense, File Date, Case Status, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Fine Amount.
Age of Records: 1984 Update Frequency: MonthlyChampaign County - Common Pleas
Description: Court of Common Pleas felony records of over 23,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Date of Birth, Case Number, Offense, Disposition Date, File Date, Arrest Date and Violation Date.
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlyChampaign County - Municipal Court
Description: Data consists of misdemeanor records of over 13,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Race, Sex, Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color, Alias, Case Number, Offense Date, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, File Date, Statute Number, Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, Sentence, and Sentence Date.
Age of Records: 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlyClark County - Common Pleas
Description: Data consists of felony records of over 9,000 offenders. Results may include Case Number, Offense and File Date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyClark County - Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records of over 190,000 offenders. Data may include Case Type, Case Number, Date of Birth, Bond Status, Fine Amount, and Date Filed.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyClermont County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of 347,166 offenders dating back to 1990. Results may include DOB, case#, offense date, offense description, file date, case status, disposition and disposition date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyClinton County - Common Pleas
Description: Data contains felony disposition records for 2,100 offenders dating back to 2001. Search results may include Name, DOB, File Date, Case Number, Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 2001 Update Frequency: MonthlyColumbiana County Courts
Description: Columbiana County Common Pleas Court data contains criminal records on over 3,600 individuals. Data can contain offense, case number, disposition, disposition date, status, and file date.
Age of Records: 1972 Update Frequency: QuarterlyCuyahoga County - Bedford Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 164,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Case Number, DOB, Address, Offense, Offense Date, Offense Location, Filing Date, Fine Amount, Statute Code, Plea, and Disposition.
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlyCuyahoga County - Berea Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 80,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Offense, Date of Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Fine Amount, Fine Suspended, Jail Days, and Jail Days Suspended.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyCuyahoga County - Cleveland Heights Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of nearly 200,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Offense Date, Offense and Degree.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyCuyahoga County - Common Pleas
Description: Common Pleas Court Data consisting of felony records of over 165,000 offenders. Data may include Name, Case Number, Offense, Statute, Arrest Date, Case Status and Charge Code.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyCuyahoga County - Euclid Municipal Court
Description: Euclid Municipal Court, in Cuyahoga County, serves the City of Euclid which is part of the greater Cleveland Metropolitan area. Data contains primarily misdemeanor of over 104,000 offenders. Search results may include Defendant Name, DOB, Offense, Degree of Offense, Offense Date, Case Number and Disposition.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: QuarterlyCuyahoga County - Garfield Heights Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 115,000 offenders. Results may include DOB, Offense Code, Offense Description, Case Number, Conviction Date, Plea, Finding, Fine Amount and Jail Time.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyCuyahoga County - Lyndhurst Municipal Court
Description: Data contains disposed misdemeanor records for 100,000 offenders dating back to 2003. Search results may contain Name, DOB, Address, Case Number, Offense, Offense Date, Degree of Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Fine Amounts, and Jail Term.
Age of Records: 2003 Update Frequency: MonthlyCuyahoga County - Parma Municipal Court
Description: Data consists of misdemeanor records of 1,148 offenders. Results may include Name, Case Number, Address, DOB, Offense, Date of Offense, Degree of Offense, Conviction Date, Disposition, Fine, Fine-Suspended, Jail, and Jail-Suspended
Age of Records: May 2007 Update Frequency: MonthlyCuyahoga County - Rocky River Municipal Court
Description: Data contains over 22,000 misdemeanor criminal court records. This court, located in the Greater Cleveland Metropolitan area of Cuyahoga County, serves Bay Village, Fairview Park, North Olmstead, Rocky River, Westlake and Metro parks. Search results may include DOB, Offense, Degree of Offense, File Date, AKA's and Disposition.
Age of Records: 2000 Update Frequency: MonthlyCuyahoga County - Shaker Heights Municipal Court
Description: Shaker Heights in Cuyahoga County, serves Beachwood, Hunting Valley, Pepper Pike, Shaker Heights and University Heights in the Greater Cleveland Metropolitan Area. Court records consist of primarily misdemeanor records of over 85,000 offenders. Search results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Offense Date, Offense Description, Degree of Offense, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyDelaware County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of 7,660 offenders. Results may include name, DOB, offense, degree of offense and case #.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: QuarterlyFairfield County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of over 5,200 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Offense, Degree of Offense, Section Number, Case Number, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Filing Date.
Age of Records: October 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlyFairfield County - Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of 115,285 offenders dating back to 1999. Results may include name, address, offense, degree of offense, file date, status, finding and case number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: QuarterlyFayette County - Common Pleas
Description: Data contains felony records for over 1,000 offenders dating back to 2005. Search results may include Name, Address, DOB, Case Number, File Date, Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 2005 Update Frequency: MonthlyFranklin County - Municipal Court
Description: Franklin County Municipal Court data contains criminal records on over 444,000 individuals. Data can contain Offense, Case Number, Disposition, Jurisdiction, Status, and File Date. Data is limited to cases where offender has a date of birth on record.
Age of Records: 1985 Update Frequency: MonthlyFulton County Courts
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor records of over 21,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Case Number, Offense Description, File Date, Case Status, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyGallia County - Gallipolis Municipal Court
Description: Data contains disposed misdemeanor records of over 77,000 offenders dating back to 2001. Search results may include Name, DOB, Address, Case Number, Offense, Statute Code, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Sentencing Details. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: 2001 Update Frequency: MonthlyGeauga County - Chardon Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 8,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Offense Date, Offense Description, Disposition and Description Date.
Age of Records: 2001 Update Frequency: MonthlyGeauga County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of over 43,000 offenders provided by Geauga County Court of Common Pleas. Data may include Name, Case Number, Offense Description, File Date, Action, Charge and Statute.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: QuarterlyGreene County Courts
Description: Greene County data kept by the Clerk of Courts contains criminal records on over 12,000 individuals. Data can contain offense, disposition, disposition date, and status.
Age of Records: 1980 Update Frequency: MonthlyGreene County - Fairborn Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records for 12,846 offenders dating back to 1990. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Case Number, File Date, Offense, Statute Number, Amended Offense Information, Disposition, and Jail Term.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyGreene County - Xenia Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor and traffic records for 226,275 offenders dating back to 1994. Search results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, File Date, Statute Number, Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Jail Term, and Probation Term.
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyGuernsey County - Cambridge Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 8,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Filing Date, Offense, Disposition Date, and Disposition.
Age of Records: 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlyGuernsey County - Common Pleas
Description: Includes felony records for over 2,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Offense, Disposition, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyHamilton County Courts
Description: Hamilton County data contains criminal records on over 58,000 individuals. Data can contain offense, degree of offense, disposition, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1973 Update Frequency: QuarterlyHancock County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of 4,446 offenders dating back to 1990. Results may include name, case#, offense date, offense, case status, file date, disposition code, degree of offense, disposition status and disposition date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyHardin County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of 713 offenders from the Hardin County Court of Common Pleas. Data may include name, DOB, Case Number, offense date, offense description, degree of offense, disposition and disposition date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyHarrison Count Court
Description: Data contains disposed misdemeanor records dating back to 2002. Search results may contain Name, DOB, Address, Case Number, Offense, Statute Code, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Disposition Details.
Age of Records: 2002 Update Frequency: MonthlyHuron County - Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records of over 43,000 offenders dating back to 1998. Search results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, File Date, Offense, Statute Code, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Sentence Details. Data is updated monthly.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyHuron County - Norwalk Municipal Court
Description: Data includes misdemeanor records of over 238,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Case Number, Offense, Degree of Offense, Offense Section Number, File Date, Plea, Disposition, Conviction Date, Fine Amounts, Jail Days, and Disposition Notes.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyJefferson County - Steubenville Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor and traffic records for 23,772 offenders. File contains traffic records dating back to 2006 and criminal records dating back to 1996. Search results may include Name, DOB, Address, Case Number, Offense, Offense Date, Statute Code, Plea, Disposition, Fine Amounts, Jail Term, Probation Term, and Conditions.
Age of Records: 1996/2006 Update Frequency: MonthlyJefferson County - Toronto County Court #1
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records for 9,805 offenders dating back to 2005. Search Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Case Number, Offense, Offense Date, Degree of Offense, Arresting Agency, File Date, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records>: 2005 Update Frequency: MonthlyJefferson County - Wintersville County Court #2
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records for 6,604 offenders dating back to 2005. Search Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Case Number, Offense, Offense Date, Degree of Offense, Arresting Agency, File Date, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 2005 Update Frequency: MonthlyJefferson County - Dillonvale County Court #3
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records for 5,969 offenders dating back to 2005. Search Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Case Number, Offense, Offense Date, Degree of Offense, Arresting Agency, File Date, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 2005 Update Frequency: MonthlyKnox County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records from the Knox County Court of Common Pleas. Results may include Name, Address, Case Number, and Offense.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyLake County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of 11,766 offenders dating back to 1990. Results may include DOB, case#, offense date, offense description, arrest date, file date, case status, disposition and disposition date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyLake County - Mentor Municipal Court
Description: Data consists of misdemeanor records of over 139,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Offense, Degree of Offense, Offense Date, File Date, Section Code, Status Code, Disposition, Disposition Date, Plea, and Fine Amounts.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyLake County - Painesville Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 125,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Offense, Degree of Offense, Offense Date, File Date, Offense Section Code, Status Code, Case Number, and Fine Amounts.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyLawrence County - Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records for 57,168 offenders dating back to 2000. Search results may include Name, Address, DOB, Offense, Statute Code, File Date, Case Number, Plea, Disposition, Jail Term and Sentence Details.
Age of Records: 2000 Update Frequency: MonthlyLicking County Courts
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records from Licking County. Data may include Name, Case Number, Offense Description, File Date, Type, Case Status, Disposition Action Code, Disposition Status, Disposition Code, Disposition Date and Disposition Status Date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyLorain County - Avon Lake Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 30,000 offenders. Data may include Name, Date of Birth, Court Case Number, Conviction Date, Fine Amount, Section Number, Court Cost Suspended, Found, Jail Days Suspended, Jail Days, Court Cost, Fine Amount Suspended, Plea, and Court Code.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyLorain County - Common Pleas
Description: Common Pleas felony records of over 37,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Gender, Race, Arrest Date and File Date.
Age of Records: 1987 Update Frequency: QuarterlyLorain County - Elyria Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records of nearly 50,000 offenders from the Elyria Municipal Court. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Case Number, Offense, Offense Date, Degree of Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Fine Amount, Jail Days, and Jail Days Suspended.
Age of Records: 2003 Update Frequency: MonthlyLorain County - Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of nearly 140,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Case Number, Case Type, Offense, Offense Statute Code, Status Date, Plea, Finding, Disposition Narrative, Fines, Fine Suspended, and Jail Days.
Age of Records: August 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyLorain County - Oberlin Municipal Court
Description: Data consists of misdemeanor records of nearly 70,000 offenders. Data may contain Name, Aliases, Address, DOB, Offense, Case Number, Offense, Offense Date, File Date, Statute Code, Case Status, Fine Amount, Probation Term, Jail Term, Plea, and Disposition.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyLorain County - Vermilion Municipal Court
Description: Data consists of misdemeanor records of over 72,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Offense, Statute Code, Case Number, File Date, Disposition, Disposition Date, Fine Amounts, and Jail Term.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyLucas County - Common Pleas
Description: Court of Common Pleas felony records of over 21,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, Case Number, Offense, Degree of Offense and File Date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: QuarterlyLucas County - Maumee Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 65,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Offense, Degree of Offense, Offense Date, Finding, Status, and Case Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: QuarterlyLucas County - Sylvania Municipal Court
Description: Municipal Court misdemeanor records of over 40,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Full Address, DOB, Offense Section Number, Offense Description, Case Number, Conviction Date, Plea, Finding, Fine Amount, Costs Amount, and Disposition.
Age of Records: 1983 Update Frequency: MonthlyLucas County - Toledo Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of nearly 755,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Case Number, DOB, and Offense. DOB is not available.
Age of Records: 1986 Update Frequency: MonthlyMahoning County - Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 46,000 offenders. Includes data from Boardman Court, Canfield Court, Sebring Court, and Austintown Court. Results may include Name, Case Number, Offense, File Date, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyMahoning County - Campbell Municipal Court
Description: Data contains disposed misdemeanor records dating back 20 2002. Search results may include Name, DOB, Sec, Race, Case Number, File Date, Offense, Statute Code, Degree of Offense, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Sentencing Details.
Age of Records: 2002 Update Frequency: MonthlyMahoning County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of over 21,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Offense, Degree of Offense, Offense Date, Case Number, File Date, Case Comments, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyMarion County - Common Pleas
Description: Data contains disposed felony cases for 6,630 offenders dating back to 1990. Search results may include Name, DOB, File Date, Offense Date, Case Number, Statute Code, Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyMarion County - Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records dating back to 1999. Search results may include Name, DOB, Sex, Race, Case Number, File Date, Status Code, Offense, Degree of Offense, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, Fines and Court Costs, Jail Term, and Special Orders.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyMedina County - Common Pleas
Description: Data from the Court of Common Pleas consisting of over 7,500 felony records. Results may include Case Number, Offense, File Date, Case Status and Charge Code.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyMedina County - Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 81,000 offenders. Results may include DOB, Case Number, Finding, Charge and File Date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyMonroe County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of nearly 200 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Offense, Amended Offenses, Degree of Offense, Disposition, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: November 2002 Update Frequency: MonthlyMontgomery County
Description: Montgomery County Courts 1 & 2 records of over 56,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Offense, Offense Date, Degree of Offense, File Date, Disposition, Disposition Date, Fine and Plea Date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyMontgomery County - Common Pleas
Description: Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas felony records of 56,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Offense, Degree of Offense, Arrest Date, File Date, Case Status, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyMontgomery County - Dayton Municipal Court
Description: Data consists of misdemeanor records of over 171,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Offense, Degree of Offense, Filing Date, Case Number, Disposition, Disposition Date and Sentence.
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyMontgomery County - Kettering Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records of 22,193 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Case Number, Filing Date, Offense, Section Code, Disposition, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 2000 Update Frequency: MonthlyMontgomery County - Miamisburg Municipal Court
Description: Data contains disposed misdemeanor records of over 20,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, File Date, Offense, Statute Code, Hearing Date, and Disposition.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyMuskingum County - Common Pleas
Description: Data contains felony records of nearly 3,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Case Number, Offense, Case Status, File Date, Offense Date, Degree of Offense, and Fine Amount.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyMuskingum County - Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 97,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Aliases, Offense, Degree, Violation Date, Hearing Dates, and Court Costs.
Age of Records: March 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyPortage County Courts
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor convictions for over 110,000 offenders from Portage County Court of Common Pleas as well as Portage and Kent Municipal Courts. Results may include Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Address, Case Number, Offense, Degree of Offense, and Disposition.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyPreble County - Eaton Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 92,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Case Number, Offense, Offense Date, Offense Section Number, Degree of Offense, Filing Date, Disposition, and Fine Amounts.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyPutnam County
Description: Records of over 13,000 felony and misdemeanor convictions from the Court of Common Pleas and County Court. Results may include Name, DOB, File Date, Offense Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyRichland County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of over 13,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Action Code, Complaint, File Date, Degree of Offense, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyRichland County - Mansfield Municipal Court
Description: Municipal Court misdemeanor records of over 434,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Offense Date, File Date, Offense, Degree of Offense and Finding.
Age of Records: 1989 Update Frequency: MonthlySandusky County Courts
Description: Data contains a criminal index of felony and misdemeanor records for 152,200 offenders dating back to 1998. Court records include cases from the Court of Common Pleas, County Court 1 (Clyde), and County Court 2 (Woodville). Search results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Jurisdiction, File Date, and Offense.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlySandusky County - Common Pleas
Description: Court of Common Pleas data consisting of over 126,000 felony records. Results may include Case Number, Offense and File Date.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyScioto County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of over 10,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Offense, Case Number, Filing Date, Inmate Number, and Transcript Number.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyShelby County - Sidney Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records dating back to 1996. Search results may include Name, DOB, File Date, Offense, Statute Code, Case Number, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Sentencing Details.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyStark County - Alliance Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of 68,000 offenders dating back to 1987. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Offense Date, Offense Description, Degree of Offense, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1987 Update Frequency: QuarterlyStark County - Canton Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 319,000 offenders dating back to 1987. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Offense Date, Offense Description, Degree of Offense, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1987 Update Frequency: QuarterlyStark County - Common Pleas
Description: Common Pleas felony records of over 36,000 offenders dating back to 1987. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Offense Date, Offense Description, Degree of Offense, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1987 Update Frequency: QuarterlyStark County - Massillon Municipal Court
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 223,000 offenders dating back to 1987. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Offense Date, Offense Description, Degree of Offense, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1987 Update Frequency: QuarterlySummit County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of over 75,000 offenders. Results may include Offense, Degree of Offense, Statute, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1986 Update Frequency: QuarterlyTrumbull County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor records of over 11,000 offenders. Data may include Name, Case Number, Disposition Status, Disposition Code, Disposition Date, Case Status, Offense, Disposition Status Date, Disposition Action Code, File Date, Bond Amount and Bond Date.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyTrumbull County - Girard Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records of 19,647 offenders dating back to 2005. Search results may include Name, DOB, Address, Race, Sex, Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color, Alias, Case Number, Ticket Number, Offense Data, File Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Date, Offense, Statute Code, Degree of Offense, Sentence, and Sentence Date.
Age of Records: 2005 Update Frequency: MonthlyTrumbull County - Newton Falls Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records for 136,373 offenders dating back to 1992. Search may include Name, DOB, Address, File Date, Offense Date, Case Number, Offense, Degree of Offense, Arresting Agency, Statute Code, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Length of Sentence.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyTuscarawas County - Common Pleas
Description: Data contains nearly 6,000 felony records provided by Tuscarawas County Court of Common Pleas. Data may include Name, Case Number, Disposition Status, Disposition Code, Disposition Date, Case Status, Offense, Disposition Status Date, Disposition Action Code and File Date.
Age of Records: 2005 Update Frequency: MonthlyWarren County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of over 13,000 offenders. Data can contain Offense, Case Number, Disposition, Disposition Date, Status, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1991 Update Frequency: QuarterlyWarren County - Lebanon Municipal Court
Description: Data consists of misdemeanor records of 2,700 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Case Number, Offense, Statute Code, Offense Date, File Date, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Sentence Details.
Age of Records: January 2007 Update Frequency: MonthlyWayne County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of over 25,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Case Number, Offense, File Date, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyWesterville Mayor's Court
Description: Data contains disposed misdemeanor records for 8,400 offenders dating back to 1997. The Westerville Mayor's Court serves the city of Westerville, which resides in Delaware and Franklin counties. Search results include Name, DOB, Address, Race, Sex, Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color, Case Number, Statute Code, Offense, File Date, Degree of Offense, Arresting Agency, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Sentencing Details.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyWood County - Common Pleas
Description: Felony records of over 7,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Alias, Case Number, File Date, Offense, Number of Charges, Offense Section Code, Degree of Offense, Offense Description, Disposition, Disposition Date, Jail Days, Jail Days Suspended, Probation Days, and Probation Days Suspended.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyWood County - Perrysburg Municipal Court
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records of over 8,000 offenders. Search results may include Name, Age, Sex, Offense, Offense Date, File Date, Statute Code, Agency, Case Number, Case Status, Plea, Disposition, Disposition Date, Fine Amount, and Jail Term.
Age of Records: 2000 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from OH, which contained records.
Back to topOklahomaCriminal Justice Resource Center
Description: Data is provided by the Oklahoma Criminal Justice Resource Center. Data contains felony convictions from each of the state's 77 county courts. Annually, there are 30,000 felony convictions tied to 18,000 people. It contains all types of sentences - probation, jail or prison - with the exception of misdemeanors and deferred judgments. The counties e-mail or mail copies of each Judgment and Sentence document to OCJRC, where employees note essential information and enter elements into a database.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: As Made Available From SourceDepartment of Corrections
Description: Current and historical corrections records on persons who are or have been under the supervision of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. More than 219,000 records, most from cases filed after 1997. Results may include Name, Date of Birth, Court, Case, and Offense. We are in the process of enhancing many of our files with photos. The Oklahoma Department of Corrections file now includes photos of the offenders. Photos are NOT available on all the offenders in this file, however we have collected all the photos available from this source at this time. We will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections - Supplemental
Description: As a supplement to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections data, this file contains corrections records on individuals who are currently under the supervision of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. Results may include Name, DOB, Physical Description, Photo, OK DOC Number, Offense, Case Number, County, Sentence Information, and Facility.
Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Provides public information on all registered aggravated and habitual sex offenders, including photos.
Age of Records: 2000 Update Frequency: MonthlyViolent Crime Offender Registry
Description: Data contains 133 current offenders required by law to register with the Violent Crime Offender Registry in Oklahoma. These offenders have been assigned a classification of violent, and sentenced to a term of probation or incarceration within the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. Search results may include Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color, Physical Identifiers, Offense, CRF Number, Offense Date, Offense Location, Registration Status, Registration Start Date, and Registration End Date.
Update Frequency: MonthlyAdair County
Description: Felony and misdemeanor public records on over 2,400 offenders from the Oklahoma State Courts Network. Results may include Name, DOB, Offense, Offense Date, Disposition, Disposition Date, File Date, Arresting Agency and Degree of Offense.
Age of Records: 1988 Update Frequency: MonthlyAlfalfa County
Description: District court felony and misdemeanor records. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Offense Date, Offense Description, Degree of Offense, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 2006 Update Frequency: MonthlyAtoka County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyBeaver County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyBeckham County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyBlaine County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyBryan County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyCaddo County District Court
Description: Felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1986 Update Frequency: MonthlyCanadian County
Description: Data contains nearly 71,000 felony and misdemeanor public records from the Oklahoma State Courts Network.
Age of Records: 1988 Update Frequency: MonthlyCarter County District Court
Description: Felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyCherokee County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1986 Update Frequency: MonthlyChoctaw County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlyCleveland County
Description: Over 111,000 felony and misdemeanor public records from the Oklahoma State Courts Network.
Age of Records: 1988 Update Frequency: MonthlyCoal County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyComanche County
Description: Over 107,000 felony and misdemeanor public records from the Oklahoma State Courts Network.
Age of Records: 1988 Update Frequency: MonthlyCotton County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyCraig County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1985 Update Frequency: MonthlyCreek County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyCuster County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyDelaware County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records from Delaware County in Oklahoma. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyDewey County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 2006 Update Frequency: MonthlyEllis County
Description: Over 1,600 felony and misdemeanor public records from the Oklahoma State Courts Network. Results may include Address, DOB, Gender, Offense, Offense Date, Degree of Offense, File Date, Case Number, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyGarfield County
Description: Over 62,000 felony and misdemeanor public records from the Oklahoma State Courts Network.
Age of Records: 1988 Update Frequency: MonthlyGarvin County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyGrant County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records from Grant County in Oklahoma. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyGreer County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlyHarmon County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlyHarper County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlyHaskell County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyHughes County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyJackson County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlyJefferson County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyKay County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1920 Update Frequency: MonthlyKingfisher County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyKiowa County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlyLatimer County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyLeflore County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyLincoln County District Court
Description: Over 1,000 District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyLogan County
Description: Over 14,000 felony and misdemeanor public records from the Oklahoma State Courts Network.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyLove County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlyMajor County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyMarshall County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyMayes County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyMcClain County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyMcCurtain County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyMcIntosh County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyMurray County District Court
Description: Felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyMuskogee County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyNoble County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyNowata County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyOkfuskee County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyOklahoma County
Description: Over 27,000 felony and misdemeanor public records from the Oklahoma State Courts Network.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyOkmulgee County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: MonthlyOsage County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyOttawa County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlyPawnee County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyPayne County
Description: Over 75,000 felony and misdemeanor public records from the Oklahoma State Courts Network.
Age of Records: 1988 Update Frequency: MonthlyPittsburg County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyPontotoc County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyPottawatomie County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyPushmataha County
Description: Over 5,000 felony and misdemeanor public records from the Oklahoma State Courts Network. Results may include Address, DOB, Gender, Offense, Offense Date, Degree of Offense, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlyRoger Mills County
Description: Over 2,500 felony and misdemeanor public records from the Oklahoma State Courts Network. Results may include Address, DOB, Gender, Offense, Offense Date, Degree of Offense, File Date, Case Number, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1988 Update Frequency: MonthlyRogers County
Description: Data consists of over 86,000 felony and misdemeanor public records from the Oklahoma State Courts Network.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlySeminole County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlySequoyah County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyStephens County District Court
Description: Felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyTexas County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyTillman County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 2004 Update Frequency: MonthlyTulsa County
Description: Data consists of 200,000 felony and misdemeanor public records from the Oklahoma State Courts Network.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyWagoner County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyWashington County District Court
Description: Felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyWashita County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyWoods County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain offender name, birth date, offense, case number, and file date.
Age of Records: 2002 Update Frequency: MonthlyWoodward County District Court
Description: District Court felony and misdemeanor public records. Data may contain Offender Name, Birth Date, Offense, Case Number, and File Date.
Age of Records: 2006 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from OK, which contained records.
Description: This database contains current and historical felony and misdemeanor records of individuals who are or have been under the jurisdiction of the Oregon Court system, which includes traffic violations. There are records on approximately 5,000,000 persons. Data can include name, DOB, offense, case number, case type, file date, incident date, sentence date, and status.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Corrections records on persons sentenced to serve time in a state institution. Records on approximately 308,000 persons. Results may show defendant name, DOB, offense, degree of offense, case number, sentence date, release date, and status.
Age of Records: 1987 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains data on individuals that have been sentenced as a sex offender or a sexually violent predator. Registry does not include all individuals convicted of a sex crime. Data may include name, date of birth, address, offense, statute, and police agency.
Age of Records: 2000 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from OR, which contained records.
Back to topPennsylvaniaAdministrative Office of Courts
Description: Statewide District Court Criminal felony, misdemeanor and traffic filings for over 1,400,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Offense, Offense Date, Statute Code, County of Offense, Disposition, and Disposition Date. Date of Birth is provided in cases dating back to 2000.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyAdministrative Office of Courts - Common Pleas
Description: Data contains disposed cases from the Common Pleas Courts and the Philadelphia Municipal Court. Includes felony and misdemeanor cases of over 14,600 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Race, Offense, Offense Date, Location of Offense, Degree of Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Charge Type, and Section Number.
Age of Records: January, 2007 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Corrections records of statewide records of currently under the Department's supervision. Records on approximately 71,000 persons. Results may show defendant name, race, offense description, county, and current location. The Date of Birth is NOT provided from this source.
Age of Records: 2003 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains data on individuals that have been Sentenced as a sex offender or a sexually violent predator. Registry does not include all individuals convicted of a sex crime. Data may include name, date of birth, address, offense, statute, and police agency. Includes more than 7,000 photos.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from PA, which contained records.
Description: Registry contains data of individuals that have been sentenced as a sex offender or a sexually violent predator. Results may include Name, DOB, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Weight, Current Address and Photograph.
Age of Records: Unavailable at this time Update Frequency: Monthly Back to topRhode IslandSuperior and District Court Records
Description: Superior and District Court records of statewide felony and misdemeanor cases disposed. Records on over 300,000 persons. Results may include case number, name, DOB, sex, address, offense, offense location, file date, disposition, disposition date, sentence, sentence type and sentence date.
Age of Records: 1984 Update Frequency: On Hold - Pending Court ReviewSex Offender Records
Description: Contains information on convicted sex offenders including name, birth date, offense, and photograph. File currently contains 10 offenders with photos.
Age of Records: Information is currently unavailable Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from RI, which contained records.
Back to topSouth CarolinaDepartment of Corrections
Description: Statewide felony and gross misdemeanor records on persons found guilty and sentenced to serve time and/or subsequent probation in a state penal institution. Includes probation and parole information where applicable. Records on approximately 230,000 persons. Results may include Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Offense Date, Offense Description, Disposition, Disposition Date, Case Number, County of Disposition, Sentence.
Age of Records: 1986 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains information on sex offenders who have been convicted, pled guilty or nolo contendere. Data can include offender name, offender date of birth, offender address, offense, statute, and photo, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1984 Update Frequency: MonthlyAnderson County
Description: General Sessions Court felony records of over 55,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Address, DOB, Sex, Race, Indictment Number, Warrant Number, Arrest Date, Offense, Counts, Disposition, and Sentence.
Age of Records: 1985 Update Frequency: MonthlyFlorence County
Description: Circuit court records of over 44,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Arrest Date, Offense, Degree of Offense, Warrant Number, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Sentence. Data does not include DOB.
Age of Records: 1995 Update Frequency: MonthlyGreenville County
Description: General Sessions Court felony records of 187,877 offenders. Results may include DOB, case #, offense, degree of offense, disposition and disposition date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyPickens County
Description: General Sessions Court felony records of over 24,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Address, Sex, Race, Case Number, Offense, Arrest Date, File Date, Sentence, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyYork County
Description: Circuit Court felony convictions of 57,133 offenders. Results may include name, DOB, case #, offense date, offense description, degree of offense, disposition and disposition date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from SC, which contained records.
Description: Contains information on convicted sex offenders including photographs. Data may contain offender name, date of birth, offense, county, and conviction date. Includes more than 700 photos.
Age of Records: 1984 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from WV, which contained records.
Back to topTennesseeAdministrative Office of Courts
Description: Convictions from all 95 counties. Approximately 900,000 records. Results may include the date, county, case number, defendant name and aliases (when available), DOB, social security number (when available), charges, dispositions/judgments and sentence.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyAdministrative Office of Courts - Supplemental
Description: Data contains misdemeanor, traffic, and infraction records. Results may include name, offense, degree of offense, type of filing, file date, disposition date, and judgment type.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Contains current and historical statewide felony and misdemeanor information for inmates, probationers and parolees who are or have been under the supervision of the Tennessee Department of Corrections.
Age of Records: 1968 Update Frequency: QuarterlyBureau of Investigation - Methamphetamine Offender Registry
Description: Registry of approximately 312 offenders convicted of substantive violations of TN laws prohibiting the illegal manufacture of methamphetamines. Results may include DOB, offense and conviction date.
Age of Records: March 30, 2005 Update Frequency: MonthlyDavidson County
Description: Data contains Metropolitan Police Department of Nashville and Davidson County felony and misdemeanor records on more than 212,702 offenders. Results may include DOB, offense, degree of offense, arrest date, conviction date and disposition.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyDavidson County - General Sessions
Description: Data contains over 800,000 felony and misdemeanor filing records dating back to 2000 from the General Sessions Court and State Trial Court. Search results may include Name, DOB, Offense, Case Number, Case Status, Appearance Date, and Appearance Reason.
Age of Records: 2000 Update Frequency: QuarterlyHamilton County
Description: Data includes felony and misdemeanor dispositions for over 711,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Charge, File Date, Disposition, Disposition Date, Sentence, and Fines.
Age of Records: 1987 Update Frequency: MonthlyRutherford County Court Records
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor convictions from the District Circuit Court and General Sessions Court. Data may contain Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Address, Case Number, Charge, and Disposition.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Tennessee Sexual Offender Registry information about sex offenders who committed certain enumerated offenses. Photos Included.
Age of Records: July 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from TN, which contained records.
Description: Data provided by the Texas Department of Corrections (TDC). Contains paroled convicts information on criminals who have entered the prison system dating back to 1979. Data may additionally include offenders committing felonies or misdemeanors who have been on probation or community supervision under the Department of Criminal Justice.
Age of Records: 1979 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Public Safety Records
Description: Search of Public Record Criminal History Information relating to felony and misdemeanor convictions or deferred adjudication regarding felony offenses for a minimum of 7 years. As of 01/01/2000, deferred adjudication regarding misdemeanor offenses are included in the public record. Information returned can include filing date, charge, charge level, disposition, county, ID information.
Age of Records: 1939 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Data provided by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Contains over 43,000 registered sex offenders and 36,000 photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1951Bell County Court Records
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records of over 117,000 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Weight, Sex, Race, Scars, Tattoos, Offense, Degree of Offense, Offense Date, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, File Date, Disposition, and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1984 Update Frequency: MonthlyBexar County (metro San Antonio) District Court
Description: Data provided by Bexar County District Court Clerk. Contains felony and misdemeanor records.
Age of Records: 1974 Update Frequency: MonthlyBrazoria County Court Records
Description: Data contains felony and misdemeanor records of nearly 11,000 offenders. Results may include DOB, Case Number, Offense, Offense Date, Degree of Offense, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 2003 Update Frequency: MonthlyBrazos County Court Records
Description: County and District Court felony and misdemeanor records of 48,622 offenders dating back to 1999. Results may include name, DOB, case #, offense date, offense and degree.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyBurnet County Court Records
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 18,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Sex, DOB, Alias, Address, Alternate Identifying Descriptions, Height, Weight, Race, Hair Color, Eye Color, Offense, Degree of Offense, Offense Date, File Date, Case Number, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Fine, County, Sentence Date, Case Status, Confinement Time, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Sentence.
Age of Records: 1989 Update Frequency: MonthlyCameron County - District Court
Description: Data provided by Cameron County District Court. Contains felony cases only. Data may contain Name, DOB, Offense, File Date and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1980 - July 2006 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableChambers County Court Records
Description: Data provided by Chambers County, Texas. Data may contain Name, Offense, File and Disposition Date. This county does NOT provide dates of birth for this file.
Age of Records: 1999 - October 2005 Update Frequency: MonthlyCollin County Court Records
Description: Data provided by Collin County. Contains over 132,000 felony and misdemeanor records. Data may contain name, DOB, address, offense, degree of offense, offense date, case number, plea, disposition, disposition date, fine, court cost, court, sentence date, jail time, probation, judge, attorney, and file date.
Age of Records: 1986 Update Frequency: MonthlyComal County Court Records
Description: Data provided by Comal County. Data contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 60,000 individuals. Data may contain name, DOB, offense, offense date, degree of offense, disposition, cause number, fine, court costs, and file date.
Age of Records: 1980 Update Frequency: QuarterlyDallas County (metro Dallas) Court Records
Description: Data provided by the Dallas County Data Services division. Contains felony and misdemeanor records. Arrest data is also included in this database.
Age of Records: Early 1980s Update Frequency: MonthlyDenton County (metro Dallas) Court Records
Description: Data provided by Denton County Department of Information Services. Contains felony and misdemeanor records.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyEl Paso County Court Records
Description: County Court records on persons who have been convicted of felonies ONLY. Results may include Defendant Name, Case Number, Disposition, and Sentence Date.
Age of Records: 1994 Update Frequency: MonthlyFort Bend County Court Records
Description: Felony records from Ft. Bend County on over 12,000 offenders. Data may contain offense, disposition date, sentence, fine, and case number.
Age of Records: 1982 Update Frequency: MonthlyGalveston County Court Records
Description: County Court misdemeanor records of 54,216 offenses dating back to 1999. Results may include name, case number, case type and received date. Results DO NOT include DOB.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyGrayson County Court Records
Description: Data provided by Grayson County. Contains misdemeanor and felony records.
Age of Records: 1983 Update Frequency: QuarterlyGregg County Court Records
Description: Data provided by Gregg County. Contains misdemeanor and felony records.
Age of Records: Misdemeanor - 1983. Felony - 1977 Update Frequency: MonthlyHarris County (metro Houston) Court Records
Description: Felony and Misdemeanor records of over 945,000 offenders. Results may show Defendant Name, DOB, Conviction Date, Offense, Probation Indicator and Term, Race, Sex, Case Number, Disposition, Sentence, and Sentence Date.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyHenderson County District Court
Description: Data contains felony records from Henderson County District Court for 13,683 offenders dating back to 1985. Search results may include Name, Case Number, File Date, Offense, Disposition and Disposition Date. Date of Birth is not available for these records.
Age of Records: 1985 Update Frequency: MonthlyHood County Court Records
Description: Misdemeanor records of over 14,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Case Number, Offense, Disposition, Disposition Date, Jail Days, Jail Days Suspended, Probation Term, and Court Costs. Date of Birth is not available for this source.
Age of Records: 1997 Update Frequency: MonthlyHunt County Court Records
Description: Data contains misdemeanor records for 44,000 offenders. Results may include Name, Alias, Case Number, Offense, File Date, and Disposition Date. Date of Birth is not available.
Age of Records: 1986 Update Frequency: MonthlyJefferson County Court Records
Description: Data provided by Jefferson County includes Misdemeanors filed and disposed of. Data contains case number, name, file date, sex, race, date of birth and charge information. Cities in this county are: Port Acres, Sabine Pass, Voth, Port Arthur, Port Neches, Hamshire, Goves, Nederland, Nome, Beaumont, Bevil Oaks, and China.
Age of Records: 1995 Updated Frequently: MonthlyJohnson County
Description: Misdemeanor records of 79,500 offenders dating back to 1988. Results may include Name, DOB, gender, race, case #, file date, address, offense, offense date, offense degree, disposition, disposition date, arrest date and sentence date.
Age of Records: 1988 Updated Frequently: MonthlyKaufman County District Court
Description: District Court felony records of 8,889 offenses dating back to 1980. Results may include DOB, case number, offense, offense description, degree of offense, disposition and disposition date.
Age of Records: 1980 Updated Frequently: MonthlyLamar County Court Records
Description: County and District Court felony and misdemeanor records of 19,927 offenders dating back to 1999. Results may include name, DOB, case #, offense date, offense and degree.
Age of Records: 1999 Updated Frequently: MonthlyLiberty County Court
Description: Data contains County Court misdemeanor records for 52,194 offenders dating back to 1990. Search results may include Name, Case Number, Case Type, File Date, Offense, and Disposition Date. Date of Birth is not included.
Age of Records: 1990 Updated Frequently: MonthlyMidland County Court Records
Description: District and County Court felony and misdemeanor records from Midland County may contain name, date of birth, race, gender, case number, date of offense, file date, offense, degree of offense, and disposition date. Cities in this county are: Midland (part) and Odessa (part).
Age of Records: 1956 Updated Frequently: Updates Are No Longer AvailableMontgomery County (metro Houston) Court Records
Description: Data provided by Montgomery County District Clerk. Contains over 170,000 felony and misdemeanor records.
Age of Records: Felony 1989 / Misdemeanor 1970 Update Frequency: MonthlyNueces County Court Records
Description: County Court records on persons who have been convicted of felonies and misdemeanors. Results may show defendant name, case number, disposition, sentence date.
Age of Records: 1985 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableParker County
Description: County and District Court felony and misdemeanor records of 23,283 offenders dating back to 1999. Results may include name, DOB, case #, offense date, offense and degree.
Age of Records: 1999 Update Frequency: MonthlyPotter County Court Records
Description: Data provided by Potter County. Data contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 100,000 individuals. Data may contain name, DOB, offense, degree of offense, disposition, disposition date, fine, and file date.
Age of Records: 1983 Update Frequency: MonthlyRockwall County Records
Description: Misdemeanor records of 20,407 offenders dating back to 1990. Results may include name, DOB, case #, offense, degree of offense, disposition and disposition date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlySmith County Court Records
Description: County Court misdemeanor records of 90,901 misdemeanor offenses dating back to 1983. Results may include DOB, arrest date, offense, offense date, degree of offense, disposition, disposition date, case ID, fine and sentence.
Age of Records: 1983 Update Frequency: MonthlyTom Green County Court Records
Description: Data provided by Tom Green County. Contains misdemeanor and felony records.
Age of Records: Misdemeanor - 1995. Felony - 1993 Update Frequency: QuarterlyTravis County Court Records
Description: Data provided by Travis County Information Services. Contains misdemeanor and felony records.
Age of Records: Felony 1992 / Misdemeanor 1988 - April 2005 Update Frequency: Quarterly - Due to a computer problem at the source, updates are currently unavailable at this time. We expect updates to resume winter 2007.Victoria County Court Records
Description: Data provided by Victoria County. Data contains felony and misdemeanor information on over 9,000 individuals. Data may contain name, DOB, offense, disposition, disposition date, cause number, offense number, and file date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyWaller County
Description: County Court records of 9,888 offenders. Results may include Name, DOB, Case Number, Offense Date, Offense Description, Degree of Offense, Disposition and Disposition Date.
Age of Records: 1989 Update Frequency: MonthlyWilliamson County
Description: Misdemeanor court records of over 43,000 offenders dating back to 2005. Results may include Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color, Cause Number, Offense, Degree of Offense, Court, Arresting Agency, Arrest Date, Fine Amount, Disposition, and Probation Term.
Age of Records: 2005 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from TX, which contained records.
Description: Utah Administrative Office of the Courts contains all historical data for all criminal convictions. Data can include case number, disposition, disposition date, File date, offense, degree of offense, and statute.
Age of Records: 1996 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Statewide felony and gross misdemeanor records on persons found guilty and sentenced to serve time and/or subsequent probation in a state penal institution. Includes probation and parole information where applicable. Records on over 115,000 persons. Results may include defendant name, DOB, race, sex, sentence date, offense description, disposition date, case number, county of disposition, sentence.
Age of Records: 1986 Update Frequency: QuarterlySex Offender Records
Description: Utah Sex Offender Registry of persons who have either been convicted of or entered a plea in abeyance to certain sex offenses. Data may include offense, degree of offense, conviction date and photo of individual, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from UT, which contained records.
Back to topVermontVermont Department of Corrections
Description: Records of 2,263 currently incarcerated offenders. Results may include name, DOB, facility and case worker name.
Age of Records: Current Offenders Update Frequency: Quarterly.Sex Offender Records
Description: Contains information on convicted sex offenders including photographs. Data may contain offender name, date of birth, offense, county, and conviction date.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from VT, which contained records.
Back to topVirginiaVirginia Department of Corrections
Description: Data consists of all offenders currently on active parole, over 2,100 individuals, in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Results may include DOB, address, race, gender, offense, degree of offense and parole dates.
Age of Records: Current Offenders Update Frequency: Quarterly.Court Records
Description: This database contains statewide and/or county-level current and historical felony and misdemeanor dispositions, including motor vehicle citations of individuals who are or have been under the supervision of the Virginia General District or Circuit Courts. This jurisdiction provides monthly updates of the most current data available. NOTE: These records are from all Virginia counties and independent municipalities except: FAIRFAX--(General District and Circuit Courts) PRINCE WILLIAM--(No Circuit Court records) ALEXANDRIA--(No Circuit Court records).
Age of Records: 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlySex Offender Records
Description: Contains information on convicted sex offenders, including approximately 15,000 photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available. Data also includes crimes against minors. This data does not contain DOBs; however, the age of the offender is included.
Age of Records: 1990 Update Frequency: MonthlyFairfax County Court Records
Description: Data provided by Fairfax County Clerk's Office. Data contains Felony and Misdemeanor conviction cases only. Data can include Offense, Offense Date, Disposition, Disposition Date, and Degree of Offense.
Age of Records: 1980 - May 2005 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from VA, which contained records.
Back to topWashingtonAdministrative Office of District/Municipal Courts
Description: District/Municipal Court records contain information on more than 2 million individuals. Data may contain name, DOB, offense, statute, case number, offense date, file date, plea, disposition date, and disposition.
Age of Records: 1985 Update Frequency: QuarterlyAdministrative Office of Superior Courts
Description: Superior Court records contain information on more than 300,000 individuals. Data may contain name, DOB, offense, statute, case number, offense date, file date, plea, resolution date, and resolution.
Age of Records: 1998 Update Frequency: QuarterlyAdministrative Office of Superior Courts - Index
Description: Data contains a felony case index of cases filed in Superior Courts in Washington dating back to 1976. Search results may include Name, Date of Birth, Case Number, Offense, File Date, Court Name, and Close Date.
Age of Records: 1976 Update Frequency: Semi-AnnuallyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Contains current and historical statewide felony and misdemeanor information for inmates, probationers and parolees who are or have been under the supervision of the Washington Department of Corrections.
Age of Records: 1995 - November 2006 Update Frequency: Updates Are No Longer AvailableSex Offender Records
Description: Contains information on nearly 2,500 Level II and III Registered Sex Offenders. Data may include name, partial address, offense, statute and county. Includes more than 2,300 photos.
Age of Records: Information is currently unavailable Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from WA, which contained records.
Back to topWest VirginiaAdministrative Office of Courts
Description: Data contains statewide felony and misdemeanor records from the 31 circuits in West Virginia. Search results may include Name, Year of Birth, File Date, Case Number, Offense, Arrest Date, County, Case Type, Disposition, and Disposition Date. Year of Birth is available for approximately 50% of the records from this source.
Age of Records: 1980 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Incarceration records of 3,569 offenders currently incarcerated by the West Virginia Department of Corrections. Results may include name, date of birth, physical description, booking date, imprisonment status, facility and photo.
Age of Records: Current Offenders Update Frequency: QuarterlySex Offender Records
Description: Registry contains information on over 2,300 individuals. Data can include name, DOB, offense, victim information, conviction year, county information and city information. Photos included.
Age of Records: 1987 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from WV, which contained records.
Description: Statewide Court records of felony and misdemeanor cases disposed. Records on approximately 880,000 persons. Results may include case number, name, DOB, charge(s), county of offense, disposition, disposition date, sentence date.
Age of Records: 1992 Update Frequency: MonthlyDepartment of Corrections
Description: Records of statewide felony convictions on persons who have been sentenced to serve time at a state facility and/or released on parole. Records on approximately 68,000 persons. Results may show the County, Case Number, Defendant Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Offense, Sentence, Sentence Date, and Release Date.
Age of Records: 1970 Update Frequency: Semi-AnnuallySex Offender Records
Description: Sex Offender Registry generally contains information on those individuals who were convicted of, incarcerated, or on supervision for a sex offense. Includes more than 14,000 records and photos, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: December 25, 1993 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from WI, which contained records.
Description: Wyoming Sex Offender Registry contains data on individuals determined to have a high risk of re-offending. Data may contain name, DOB, address, offense conviction place, and conviction place. Photos included, but not for all the offenders. We have collected all the photos available at this time and will continue to add photos as they become available.
Age of Records: 1989 Update Frequency: MonthlyP.R.I.O.R.S.
Description: Public Record Indexes of Record Searches. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests, from WY, which contained records.